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(EOO) Chapter 7

Stepping out into the hallway, I was so anxious that I didn’t see someone else coming in front of me. My body slammed into the them and I heard them gasp, before I realized that it was Juliska. When I finally caught my balance, I looked up to her face. She was staring at the ground and my eye followed to the broken bottle of poison on the floor. My own eyes widened with horror. I hadn’t heard it crash to the floor.

“Oh dear, I am so sorry.” Juliska said, but her words had become softer as she spoke. I think she saw the look of shock upon my face.

“What has happened?” Blaine asked as he reached the top of the stairs.

Gideon had heard the crash as well and had come to inspect. It surprised me that everyone had heard the breaking glass but me.

I started to mumble an answer, but Juliska suddenly began to speak over me.

“I wanted to show Lady Valora this new perfume I purchased. It’s a very subtle scent that is suppose to be spread on the bed sheets. However, I bumped into her and it has fallen from my hand to the floor.” She sighed and looked down at the broken bottle, “What a waste.” Her eyes looked up to me, “I am sorry that I was not paying attention. It is my fault, Lady Valora.”

Either Blaine believed her or he didn’t care, as he simply nodded before heading back down the stairs. Gideon, on the other hand, seemed to know when his sister was lying. I just saw a look of disbelief on his face. My suspicions were confirmed when he questioned her.

“I did not see that bottle in your hand when you visited my room just a moment ago.”

Juliska frowned and turned her attention to him, “Well, you hardly paid me any notice. You barely answered my questions.”

Gideon gave a firm nod and seemed satisfied with the answer. He left the hallway as well.

Leora appeared before Juliska could question me. It seemed that Blaine had sent her up to clean up the mess. I hoped that it would not poison her through her skin, but I couldn’t warn her. If I told her not to let it touch her, then she may suspect that I was up to no good.

Juliska didn’t give me the time anyway. She shoved me into my bedroom and locked the door behind her. In a whisper, she began to talk as she brought me over to the bed.

“What was in the bottle, sweetie?”

I shook my head. “Why did you do that? Why did you lie for me?”

“I have never seen a woman so terrified in all my life. Your fear only intensified when Blaine entered the hall. I knew that this was something you didn’t want him to know of. Now, may I know what I just lied about?”

I swallowed deeply, “It was nothing. Only salve for my dry skin.”

Juliska eyes were deadlocked on me for several moments, “No, I don’t believe that. Tell me.”

“It was nothing, I swear.” There was a lump in my throat that was slowly becoming bigger. I had just saw my only chance to rid myself of Blaine splattered upon the hallway floor. I needed a moment alone. I needed to think about what I would do now.

“Was it poison?”

Her guess shocked me and I was left without any words to answer her.

“For you?” She asked seeming to take my silence as a yes. “For the baby?” Still I did not answer, “Ah, for Blaine.”

My hands began to shake, but Juliska grabbed them and held them steady as she could.

“This is about Maita, isn’t it? You should not kill your husband over another woman. It is not…”

“He is trying to kill me.” I responded as quickly, but as quietly as I could.

She sat silently for a moment, as if she were trying to decide if she had heard me correctly. “Are you certain?”

“Yes, I have over heard them in the study.”


“Blaine, Durril, and Maita. The poison was given to me by Maita’s husband. It was the very same that Maita was meant to use on him. She doesn’t know that she was discovered. Lord Bernal asked me to kill Blaine. He said that I would stay the duchess and that Maita would be freed from Blaine’s… from his hold.” I spoke quickly. I had wanted to tell someone for the longest time, but I didn’t know who I could trust. I knew in those moments that Juliska was the wrong person to tell, but I just couldn’t help myself. Someone else had to know.

She surprised me when she nodded before leaning back slightly on the bed. “I see. Why not tell the Blessed Hearts? No, never mind. I know why. They would never believe you and they would hardly attempt to investigate your story. Blaine donates far too much to their cause to ever punish him.” Her eyes wandered towards the door, “Gideon would believe me, but I doubt there would be much he could do. With the feud between our families they would never believe any evidence that he found.”

“I doubt Blaine has written anything down anyway. He is a smart man. Unless…” I shook my head, “He and Maita write letters to each other. Perhaps, they make mention of the plot within.”

“Could you come across one of these letters?”

“He has them sent to Mureal now.”

Juliska nodded her head and leaned forward, “Maita was meant to poison Lord Bernal. What of you? How do they plan to rid themselves of you?”

“Durril. They had asked him to seduce me. If he and I begin an affair…”

“Then you could be beheaded for adultery. You stay far away from him, correct?”

I began to play with my fingers, “I keep my distance, but still pretend to be his friend. I do not want to make Blaine or Durril suspicious.”

“Yes, good thinking.” She chewed on the tip of her right index finger, “I could see why you have chosen the road that you have. There really is not other option, is there?”

I swallowed hard, “I have not truly decided what I want to do. I thought if I kept the poison with me, then… I don’t know. Perhaps, a situation would present itself that would give me the answers that I seek.”

“Obviously that poison is no longer an option.” She began to tap her chin with the finger she had previously been chewing on. “I will join you on this. It can’t be done alone.”

“No, no. You mustn’t become involved. The feud…”

“He plans to kill his child and his wife. You are trapped within a corner and need help. With my dislike for Blaine, you know that I won’t betray you. Besides, we may come across evidence and I have Gideon’s ear. If we find anything concrete then the Blessed Hearts will have no choice but to hear us. Until then, we must stop Blaine from doing anything permanent to you.”

I brought my brows together, “I somehow feel there is more to this then you are telling me, Juliska.”

“I have had my uncertainties since I heard that Lord Blaine had married someone other than Maita. He has never been one to give up anything that he desired. There…” She shook her head and mumbled, “I don’t know if I should tell you this.”

“Tell me.”

Her eyes turned back to me, “There have been rumors that some in the order have died by his sword. They simply disagreed with him and he cut them down during battle or when backs were turned. There is even a rumor that he murdered his own father. They say he believed he could marry Maita afterwards. However, the order demanded that he marry the woman that his father decreed would be his wife. Stating that his father had given his word on the matter to your own father.”

“Can any of this be proven as fact?”

“Gideon was present when Lord Blaine asked that his father’s agreement with your own be absolved. The high council refused and ordered him to summon you immediately. That is all that I know.”

Both of our heads turned when the door handle was juggled. “Valora?” Blaine said.

“Coming!” I called out and ran to the door to open it. When I did I smiled. “I apologize, I didn’t realize that I had locked it.”

His eyes turned to Juliska, “I do not like strangers in my room, Lady Juliska.”

“Oh, I apologize. I did not know.” She jumped to her feet, “I will speak with you downstairs, Lady Valora.” She said as she walked between us and out into the hall.

Blaine frowned at me, “Don’t let it happen again.”

“I apologize.” I said again before exiting the room myself.


I sat in the library with Juliska. It has been two days since I had told her the dark secret that struck fear into my heart. Every time I felt that it was too much for me to handle, she was there to calm me. I didn’t even mention to her how scared I was, instead it was her certainty that she would be able to help me through this that calmed my nerves.

We had been looking through many of the gardening books. The first day, we had decided that poisoning was the only way to go, but we had to find the perfect plant. One that wouldn’t kill him instantly, but instead make him sick over time. Neither Juliska or I wanted to be caught purchasing poison, so we had to make it ourselves.

“I found it.” She stood from behind the desk with her book in hand.

I was sitting in the large chair in front of the fireplace that wasn’t lit. She kneeled down in front of me with a page opened to a drawing of an oleander. “It says here that the flower, leaves, and branches are poisonous. People have died from eating meat that was skewered with the branches and honey made with the nectar of the plant.”

“I don’t want him to die instantly.”

“Shh. Keep listening. A single leaf could kill a child and one forth a pound could kill a horse.” She looked up at me with hope in her eyes, “What we could do is during meals is sprinkle a crumbled leaf on his food. It’s not suppose to taste very good, but sprinkled with other seasoned food might hide the flavor enough.”

I took the book from her and looked at the picture, “Loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, weakness, confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision, headache, disorientation, rash, hives, vision disturbances which include halos, and death.” My eyes look up at her, “That’s a lot of symptoms, but maybe it would be taken as the flu or some other sickness.”

Juliska nodded frantically, “Exactly.”

“How long do you think we would have to do this before giving him a lethal dose?”

“Depends. We will have to do it before people are suspicious, but long enough for people to know it’s not an instant poisoning. Maybe a month or two?”

“A month or two?”

“Yes. We want to start slowly. He can’t go from perfectly healthy to bed ridden over night. As I said before, a leaf on his food which will make him sick for a week or so, then we will add the poison to his drinks. After which, he should end up in bed. When the doctor is called we can switch the medicine he gives you with the poison.”

I swallowed, “I don’t know if I can do this, Juliska. I don’t want to watch him suffer.”

“He would be willing to watch your beheading for something that he caused. Show him no less mercy and make him suffer. Remember you aren’t the one who began this insanity. You would have been very happy being a good and faithful wife. Giving him children and a loving home. He is the one who has decided to kill you for no other reason than to be with a woman he was never meant to have.”

A knock came to the door and I threw the book under my bottom before the person entered. Gideon smiled at us as he came to stand beside my chair. Juliska had her arms in my lap as if she were telling me a secret, which in fact was partly true.

“Have I interrupted?” He joked.

“No, we were just chatting.” Juliska answered with a smile and I mimicked her.

“If you do not mind, Juliska, I would like a moment alone with Lady Valora.”

She looked at me nervously out of the corner of her eye, before standing up and brushing down her dress. “Of course.” She turned her attention back to me, “I will be waiting in the hall.” With that she stepped out of the room.

Gideon kneeled down beside my chair once Juliska shut the door. “Lady Valora, you may think that I speak out of turn here and I apologize in advance. Yet, something does not sit right with me. I had my suspicions at first, but now that I have been here I am beginning to see them come to light.” He looked over at the door. Knowing his sister, she was eavesdropping on the conversation, so he lowered his voice. “Milady, are you having an affair?”

“What?” I squealed.

He waved his hands in front of him to calm me down, “There are rumors around headquarters in Mureal that you have stepped outside of your marital bonds with Lord Durril.”

“That is preposterous!” I snapped.

He gave a slight nod, “I have seen nothing that proves to me that you are, other then your obvious lack of interest in your husband.” He was about to stand up, but changed his mind. “I shall be punished if anyone discovers that I even posed this question to you, milady. Yet, I feel it needs to be asked. Has Lord Blaine stepped out of his martial bonds?”

This was my chance to reveal Blaine for what he really was. Obviously Gideon was prepared to hear whatever I had to tell him, but what then? Juliska said that the Blessed Hearts might not listen to Gideon because of the feud. I didn’t want to be imprisoned and lose all my rank for accusing Blaine of marital infidelity. On the other hand, I didn’t want to send Gideon away with a lie. So, I did the only thing that I could do. I remained silent.

“I see.” He squeezed my hand and stood from his kneeled position. “I understand why you will say nothing. I will not mention this to my superiors, other than to say I am investigating the matter.”

“Investigate nothing.” I mumbled and stared at my lap.

He cleared his throat briefly, before turning towards the door. “Very well, but never say that I did not try to help you.”

“I will not.”

I heard the door open and suddenly Juliska was beside me. “I was afraid that you would tell him.” She took my hand and inhaled deeply, “Alright, we need to get an oleander bush.”

“I think that I have one growing in my garden. There are no flowers yet, but the leaves look familiar.”

“Excellent.” She took the book from under me and placed it back on the shelf.

We quickly put back any books that we had been using. Even though it would only seem like we were reading gardening books, we didn’t want to leave any evidence. As soon as we were finished, we ran out to the garden. I prayed that my bush was in fact an oleander. Neither Juliska or I had ever encountered one before, so we couldn’t be certain.

“If it is not an oleander, then I will bring one for you on my next visit.”

“When will that be?”

She took my hand, “Soon, very soon.”


The plant in my garden was indeed an oleander bush. I do not know how such a seed could have made its way into the mixed bag of seeds that Endre purchased me. The only thing that I could tell myself that made any sense was this was fate. Somehow, I managed to inadvertently grow the exact plant that I needed. I could only pray that no one would realize this plant grew here or knew the symptoms of its poison.

After reading further in the book, we discovered that the boiled version of the plant was weaker and would be better to start Blaine on. Juliska and I had boiled some of the stems and flower of the oleander in a pot in the guest room. We had told everyone that we were going riding, so no one would come looking for us. Unfortunately, Gideon had left something in Juliska’s room and entered while we were still preparing it. We insisted that it was tea, but I wasn’t certain that he believed us.

That evening I helped Leora in the kitchen. It wasn’t uncommon for the lady of the house to want to be of service when it came to cooking. However, it was the first time that I had shown an interest. I could only hope that no one would realize that my first time in the kitchen had coincided with Blaine’s sickness.

When Leora had placed the food and wine on the tray to bring them out to the table, I dumped the vial, that was hidden in my garments, into his wineglass. He has chosen a red wine while the rest of us had chosen a white with our fish. It was a lucky evening for myself, one that I knew wouldn’t last long. Eventually, Blaine’s drink would match one of ours and I may have to rely on the leaves.

I had surprised myself that I had not hesitated when I poisoned his food. I was too afraid that Leora would catch me or I would have a change of heart in those moments.

“Lady Valora, you should take your seat now.” Leora told me as she began to dish out the evening soup. “Your guests await.”

Stepping out into the dining room, I found Juliska and Gideon sitting at the table. The look on my friend’s face seemed to ask the question if I had done it. I tried to reassure her with a smile as I sat down across from her. We were soon joined by Durril, who sat down beside me. Even though this was the way we had been seated since Juliska had arrived, I was still nervous to have him so near.

He would touch my hand throughout the meal and I knew it was in hopes that Gideon would notice. He would also never hesitate to pull his chair closer to my own, no matter how far away I had placed it. There had been several times when he had tried to feed me food from his hand or fork. I would politely refuse and try to act irritated to show my disbelief in his behavior.

I didn’t believe Gideon when he said that he saw no proof of adultery. Durril went out of his way to ensure some seeds of doubt were planted in his mind. I couldn’t imagine how he had not seen them. Perhaps, he just wasn’t looking or he could see Durril’s attempts for what they were.

Blaine entered the room and kissed the top of my head, as if he were a loving husband. One who would be devastated if his wife had taken his brother into her bed. His act of false affection calmed my nerves a great deal. It reminded me of everything that this man had done to me, and that he was no innocent in all this. I had been prepared to live my life as a loving wife to this man, instead he has chosen to have me killed. All of this because he wanted to keep his place as a duke, but have the woman that he chose.

When Blaine sat down he patted my hand and smiled. Leora brought the food out to the table and we began to eat. I tried my best to talk to everyone as if nothing was the matter, and I ensured that my eyes never fell upon Blaine’s food. It wasn’t until I heard the sounds of an empty wine glass on the table, did I realize that he was almost finished with his meal.

Juliska wasn’t as coy as I was. Her eyes kept diverting to his plate, and she seemed weary of eating her own food.

“Are you not feeling well?” Gideon asked her.

Touching her stomach, she shook her head. “I’ve had a stomach upset all day. I think it was the tea.”

I tried not to roll my eyes. She shouldn’t have mentioned the tea, it only reminded Gideon of our strange behavior.

“What tea?” Durril asked.

“Lady Valora and I found a book on making homebrewed tea with flowers and the lot. Earlier today we went for a ride to see if we could find any of the cited plants on the property.”

I wanted to tell her to silence herself. Blaine didn’t need to know that we had been brewing our own teas. It was best to keep everything that we did a secret.

“Interesting.” Durril took the last bite of his fish.

“Is your stomach sour, my love?” Blaine asked me.

I shook my head, “No, I am quite alright.

“Hmm, may not be the tea then.” Juliska sighed. “Perhaps sickness knocks upon my door.”

Gideon touched his sister’s shoulder, “Would you like to return home early? If you believe you are going to be ill, it would be best to be so at home.”

She shook her head, “Not yet.”

“Sir Gideon is correct. It’s best to find care with those that know you and can care for you correctly. Besides, traveling while you are ill will only cause you to become sicker.” Blaine added.

“Thank you for your concern, Lord Blaine, but I think it may have just been the time spent in the sun today.”

He gave her a nod before standing up, “I must return to my study.” Kissing my head, he exited the room.

Juliska’s eyes went immediately to his wine glass to ensure that it was empty. I attempted a bit more slyly, though I had my suspicions that Gideon had noticed. Durril, on the other hand, seemed oblivious to our strange behavior.

“Lady Valora, would you like to accompany me on a ride this evening?” Durril asked.

“Thank you, but no. I would like to spend all the time that I have with Juliska.” I smiled at her across the table, and she returned the gesture.

“That is sweet, milady. If you wish to go, however, do not let me stop you.” She replied.

I knew that she was trying to ensure that Durril had no idea of our awareness of their plan. It did, however, put me in a spot. “Do not be silly.” I giggled, “I do not have much time with you here, and I wouldn’t waste a moment of it. Durril can wait until after you leave.”

He cleared his throat and stood from the table. I think he was a bit insulted by my response, “Very well. I shall see you in the morning.” He took my hand and kissed it. His lips lingered far too long to be a friendly kiss.

I knew that Gideon had noticed it, but he seemed to act as if it was common behavior between a man and his sister-in-law. When Durril left the room, I excused myself to the library. I wanted Juliska to join me, but Gideon asked to speak with her for a moment. I made the short journey up the stairs alone. As I did I realized my fear of being caught and was terrified that Gideon had become suspicious of our plans.


Blaine became ill that night as did Juliska. She told me in the library that she had eaten from of the oleander as well to make it look like it was the food. I didn’t know if I was thankful towards her for being so devoted, or angry that she would put herself at risk. Not to mention that this was suppose to look like Blaine was being ill with a fatal disease, not food poisoning. I had to question if she was worried about her brother becoming suspicious, but I was too afraid to ask.

While Gideon attended to her, I sat awake that evening caring for my sick husband. I tried to be as attentive and concerned as possible. I had sent Kerani away for the evening, and knew she had more than likely gone to Endre’s private chambers. Leora kept running between my room and Juliska’s. She was trying to help, but was more in the way most of the time than anything else.

Blaine laid on the bed with a bucket next to us, and I sat wiping his face with a cool, wet cloth. I hummed a familiar tune that my mother use to hum whenever I was ill. I didn’t expect him to get this sick so soon.

“Are you feeling better?” I asked him when he opened his eyes.

He turned his attentions to me, “Maita?” He whispered before falling back asleep.

I was beginning to wonder if the dosage I had given him would kill him. He already seem delusional, but my worry laid more with Juliska. I didn’t want her to fall victim to this plot as well.

Leora entered the room with another basin of cool water. “How is he?”

“A bit delusional, but he has stopped vomiting.” I told her.

She gave a nod and touched his forehead, “I don’t know how this could have happened. I did nothing to their food that I didn’t do to everyone else’s.” Rubbing her hands over her face, I knew she was close to tears.

“It isn’t your fault, Leora. Those two pieces of fish must have been contaminated.”

Nodding her head wildly, she agreed. “Yes, of course. Are you sure that you aren’t ill?”

“I am fine. How is Juliska?”

“The same as Lord Blaine, I am afraid. Although, she seems to realize where she is.”

“Maita.” Blaine grabbed my hand.

Both Leora and I looked down at him. His eyes were closed as he was obviously still asleep.

Leora sighed, “He is delusional, milady. Do not take his cries for anything but that.”

I nodded, “Of course.” I stood from the bed, “I need fresh air, could you watch him for a moment?”

She took my place on the bed and I headed out into the hall. Gideon seemed to be taking a break from caring for his sister as well. He grinned half heartedly at me as I exited the room.

“How is he?” Gideon asked.

“Still very ill, but he seems to be over the worst. And Juliska?”

“Very much the same.”

I folded my hands in front of me and sighed. I still found Gideon to be incredibly attractive, at times it was hard to look at him without blushing. “I need some air, would you care to join me?” I asked him.

“Yes, of course.” He walked down the hall towards the stairs with me beside him.

We didn’t say much to each other as we walked around the manor. A chilly wind blew and I could feel my ears, cheeks, and the tip of my nose begin to freeze. As we approached the lake, I stopped to look at the moon shine into it’s depths. I could feel Gideon’s gaze upon me, and somehow felt his desire to speak with me.

“Is there something you would like to say?” I asked him.

He shook his head, “No, milady. Why would you think that?”

“The way you look at me. It seems that you leave something unsaid, but it is eating you alive.”

He chuckled, but the smile soon faded. “Juliska has told me everything.”

I could feel my breath catch in my throat as if it were a hard rock that I had attempted to swallow.

“Everything about what I have become in the order tells me that you must be reported for this, milady. However, there is a part of me that can’t help but understand your reasons.” He turned his eyes out towards the lake. “If you stop all of this now, I will pretend that this was because of the food. However, if Lord Blaine continues to become ill…”

“He plans to kill me. There is nothing that you or your order will do about it. What should I do then? Wait until I have been killed and hoped that justice will come for him?”

He stared at me briefly before clearing his throat. “I thought you would say that. I had prayed that there was enough hope in you that Lord Blaine would not go through with this. In return it would have given me hope.”

“I have no other option.”

We fell silent for a moment, but I knew that there was more left unsaid. “You don’t remember me, do you?”

I looked up at him with confusion.

He nodded, “I didn’t think that you would. It happened almost a decade ago. I spent a summer in your home.”

“Did you?”

“Yes, most of my time was spent with your brothers. One day, however, your father took them somewhere. I don’t remember where they had gone anymore. I was left alone as were you. I saw you begging one of the servants to take you fishing, but he didn’t want to go. So, I offered to take you.”

“Why were you sent to spend a summer at my home?” I didn’t remember his story.

“So that your father would become fond of me, and we could wed. I look back on it now, and I think that someone may have had their hand in that. One of the upper class nobles who didn’t want the duke’s son to wed you.”

“If your story is true, then I find it quite a coincidence that we meet now.”

He chuckled, “Not a coincidence, it was all planned. I asked my sister to speak with you in all honesty.”

“And why would you do that?”

He shrugged, “That day we spent together was the last day of my childhood. When I returned home, my father was disappointed in my failure and he sent me to the order. I remember that day fondly and I kept…” He reached into his inner coat pocket and pulled out a white handkerchief, “the flower you picked for me.” Opening it up, he showed me a dry, somewhat crumpled daisy. “I keep it with me to remember my childhood and a friend that I was never able to truly know.”

“Why do you bring this up now?”

He shrugged, “We have a moment alone and nothing else to speak on. It is not as if I am admitting my undying love to you, milady. I am merely telling you that the child you once were changed my life forever. I would like to return the favor, whether you remember or not.”

“And how would you do that?”

“By keeping your plot to myself.” He sighed and looked back out over the lake. “Even though you don’t remember that day, it really is my fondest moment. We didn’t catch any fish and I fell into the stream. Which left me soaked for most of the day. You jumped into the stream so you could be wet with me. When I complained about not catching anything, you told me that it wasn’t the catch that was important. Instead it was the trying that you found to be more rewarding.”

I watched his face as he looked over the water and remember a day that I could not.

“When I left the next day, you kissed my cheek and told me to always try even if I would fail.” He turned his eyes back to me, “I never forgot that and I live my life by those words. With that said, I could not imagine turning you into my order. I would never be able to bring myself to it, not after what I have seen here. Juliska told me what he plans to do, and I see that plot in action. I won’t play a part in this, but I won’t speak of it either.”

I nodded my head, “Thank you.”

“Let’s return to the manor. We must at least pretend to be worried for Lord Blaine.” He held out his arm and I place my hand on the crook of his elbow. With a smile, we began the short journey back to the manor.


The next day both Juliska and Blaine were still feeling ill, but were able to walk around and eat. I decided to cut Blaine’s poison into a quarter of what I had given him. Obviously an entire vial full was far too much. It wouldn’t kill him, but it would be far too obvious that he was being poisoned, since he would become deathly ill after every meal.

In a way, I was glad that Juliska had taken some of the poison herself. After all we were just testing to see how much would be needed. Yet, I was angry with her for telling Gideon of our plans. It didn’t matter to me if he wouldn’t tell. What did matter was we needed to keep such things quiet. The less people that knew the better.

Upon entering Juliska’s room, she was sitting up in her bed with a smile on her face. She was able to walk around, but Gideon had insisted that she remain in bed for the rest of the day. I shut the door behind me and locked it, before sitting on the edge of the bed with her. I placed my hand on her knee that was covered with a thin sheet.

“Why did you tell Gideon of our plans?” I growled in a low voice.

She rose an eyebrow, “Gideon knows?”

I nodded, “Yes, he told me that you informed him last night.”

She covered her mouth with her lips, “Oh dear, what is he going to do? Is he going to turn us in?” Her eyes began to swell up with tears.

“No, he said he wouldn’t say anything. How is it that you aren’t aware that he knows? Did he trick me?”

“Maybe I told him while I was sick last night. I don’t remember much, but I do recall talking to Gideon. It may have slipped.”

I frowned deeply, “Jul, you must forget that you know anything about this. You and Gideon will not return to the manor until this is over with.”

She shook her head wildly, “No, I won’t do that. You need someone here to keep you strong. I will…”

“I have made my say. It would look suspicious if the two of you continued to visit here while Blaine grew sicker. They may blame you and your brother. I need…”

“Don’t you see the good in that? Some will blame you, others blame us, and still some will just blame illness. The Knights of the Blessed Hearts demand a majority vote when convicting someone. There would be too much evidence pointing one way or another.”

I dropped my head, “How often will you visit?”

“Every two weeks, I will come up here for a week. Blaine should be more ill by my next visit, so I will say that I visit to help give you support. To make it look like you are a worried, loving wife. I will take care of the matters of the manor to take the ‘pressure’ off your shoulders.” She patted my hand that was on her knee.

“Why do you help me this way, Jul? We have not known each other long.” I looked up at her.

She seemed to think for a moment, “I don’t rightly know. I like you as a person, and I do not think it fair that you should suffer. Besides, after I discovered what he is planning to do, how can I just sit back and watch?”

The door rattled as if someone was trying to come in. After a brief moment, no doubt of wonderment by the person behind the door, a knock followed. Standing up, I opened the door to find Gideon with a bowl of soup for his sister. He said nothing to me as he entered and walked over to Juliska’s bed.

“Are you hungry?” He asked her.

“Famished, of course.” She responded and looked at me as he sat down where I had previously been sitting.

“I will come visit in the eve.” I told her and before she could respond I exited into the hallway.

Making my way into my bedroom, Blaine was also taking to bed. He had gone down to his study for a short time, but had become dizzy and returned to bed.

“Are you feeling any better?” I asked as I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me.

Blaine put the book he was reading into his lap and turned his attention to me. “Better then when?”

“Earlier when you were feeling dizzy.” I answered and went to my wardrobe to pull out another outfit. I wanted to garden a bit today and collect more stems and leaves from the oleander bush.

“I am still lightheaded when I stand for too long, but the sourness of my stomach has subsided. Were you not ill last night?”

I shook my head, “It was just you and Juliska. We think it may have been your fish.” I answered as I began to change my clothing.

“We all ate the fish.”

“Everyone received their own fish. Your fish may have been contaminated.” I didn’t like undressing in front of him, but I tried to pretend that I was comfortable with the situation.

Blaine looked down to the book in his lap before returning his sights to me. “Thank Leora for staying up with me all night. I was aware that she was here, but I just couldn’t voice it.”

I stopped dressing and turned to face him, as I had my back to him as I dressed. “That wasn’t Leora, that was me.”

He didn’t look surprised. I think he knew that it had been me, but he had hoped that it wasn’t. “I thought you slept in one of the guest rooms. Well, thank you, but you didn’t have to do that. Leora could have, it’s part of her duties.”

“It’s part of mine as well. I am your wife after all.”

“Yes, of course.” He cleared his throat and for the first time in knowing Blaine, he looked guilty for a brief moment. “Are you going out to your garden?”

“Yes, I am. Would you let me to fetch you something before I go?”

“No, thank you.”

I cocked my head when I saw the sad expression on his face, “Would you like me to stay here with you instead?”

“No, no, you don’t have to do that.”

“I will if you want me to. The garden can wait until later.”

He shook his head, “No, I would like to get back to my book.” He picked the book up immediately and began to read it.

With a shrug, I finished dressing. “If you need anything from me, send one of the servants to fetch me. I’ll be back soon.”


Juliska and Gideon left the next day, though she promised she would not only write to me, but visit very soon. I continued to poison my husband every night at dinner. At first I used very little so he only had a small stomach ache, but as time continued onward I would increase the dosage. I was afraid that if I kept giving him small dosages for too long that Blaine might grow a tolerance for it.

He continued to grow ill and I was surprised that no one seemed to notice that this coincided with my time spent in the kitchen. After a month, Blaine called a doctor to the estate who decided that he had the flu. He was ordered into bed, but Blaine refused to spend his busy day locked away in the bedroom. I took over the responsibilities of helping Blaine in his office. I ensured that he didn’t have to stand too often or put any stress on his body. My performance of a worried and caring wife often shocked me, which I knew made the servants believe in my loyalty and good nature.

During that month, I received strange letters from Juliska. Her words sounded as if it were not her speaking, but they were encouraging me to remain strong. It wasn’t until I received the last one before her visit that I understood it was Gideon sending me the letters. He eluded to our time spent as children, and I realized the true nature of the author. In truth I was thankful that he wrote to me as Juliska. I didn’t want the servants to think I was having an affair. If such a rumor was spread, they might think that Blaine’s sickness fell upon me.

When Juliska returned to me, I was three months pregnant. My stomach was a bit swollen, though it wasn’t entirely noticeable unless the person knew I was pregnant. I was at the beginning stages that made me look like a woman carrying a child. I would often rub my belly before putting the poison in Blaine’s drink. It reminded me that I wasn’t just doing this for me, but for the child within my womb. A babe that I grew to love more and more every day.

“Look at you!” Juliska squealed when she looked upon me. She hugged me before she rubbed my belly. “How are you feeling?”

Juliska looked tired and worn. I had wondered briefly if it had been from the self poisoning not that long ago, or perhaps she had been worried about me. She seemed to be her old self, though something about her was strange.

I looked up as Gideon stepped through the doorway, he smiled at me briefly before following one of the servants up the stairs. He too looked tired and worn. His hair was a mess and his normally tan skin looked somewhat pale. I came to the rapid conclusion that it was just the trip that had exhausted them.

“You didn’t say that Gideon was coming with you.”

She nodded, “He’s been stationed close to my home for a while. They had to move many of the knights around because of the barracks that flooded. Remember that?”

I nodded my response.

“Mold grew, so they stationed many of them outside the city until they clean it all up.”

She didn’t seem to understand that I didn’t welcome Gideon into my home. The less the man knew about my crime, the better it would be for all of us. I was about to explain this to her, when the study door behind me opened. I rushed to help Blaine and took his arm.

“Lord Blaine, I heard that you have fallen ill. I am terribly sorry.” Juliska said as we stepped out in front of the stairs.

“I just haven’t been able to recover from the food poisoning.” He explained.

“Food poisoning? You mean when I was here last?”

He nodded, then turned his attention to me. “I think I want to take a nap.”

“Yes, of course.” I looked at Juliska, “I’ll be down in one moment.” I informed her and began to help Blaine up the stairs.

Blaine’s hand on my arm was cold, even though the rest of his body was rather warm. There were times when he would sweat and other times when he was freezing. I didn’t remember reading about those symptoms in the books, but I was also too afraid to touch the book again. I didn’t want to be caught reading such a book when my husband was ill.

As we entered the room, Blaine ordered me to shut the door as he sat down on the bed. He was still able to walk on his own, but it wasn’t recommended. I wouldn’t be able to help him much longer not with a child forming inside. He called me over to the bed and I sat down beside him.

“Watch that woman.” He ordered me once he was under the blanket.

“Who? Juliska?”

He nodded, “Is it not strange to you that I became ill after her first visit?”

I shrugged my shoulders and looked down into my lap, “I don’t think that she had anything to do with it. After all, she fell ill after the meal…”

“Exactly, to cover up that she had poisoned me. She may have given herself a different poison, or…”

I patted his leg, “Let’s not rush to conclusions. She hasn’t been here in a while and you have remained ill. A poison would eventually leave your body. I think you may just be looking for someone to blame.”

He sighed, “Perhaps.”

I kissed his forehead and stood from the bed, “I’ll watch her though.”

He grinned, “That would make me feel better, yes.”

Walking towards the door, Blaine called out to me, so I turned to face him.

“Maita and her husband will be here the day after tomorrow. I forgot to inform you of this. They heard of my sickness and have come to help with what they can.”

I swallowed and tried not to look upset or nervous, but I must have failed.

“We are not lovers anymore, Valora. You needn’t look so jealous every time her name is mentioned. She can help you organize the house while I am feeling ill, and Lord Bernal can do my part.”

“You aren’t that sick as of yet, are you?”

“I fear this will get worse before it gets better. I need to put my wishes in motion before I am too ill.”

I shook my head, “You don’t know that you will become more ill, Blaine.”

“No, I don’t. However, as I said I would rather set everything in motion as a precautionary measure.” He coughed, “Ensure that they are comfortable.”

I sighed as I stepped out into the hallway. This would only cause me more grief as well as more eyes watching to ensure that I do no wrong. I knew that with Blaine suspicious about poisoning, then Maita would be doubly so. She would be looking to blame me for anything. Though Bernal was probably well aware of the poisoning after all he was the one who planted the seed in my mind. I was curious to know if he would keep Maita away from me and help with any problems had along the way.

So, even though I feared Maita, I knew that Bernal was a possible ally in all of this. I had to inform Juliska of these changes in our plans and see what she had to say. There was most likely a way to use this to our advantage.

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