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(AU) Chapter 12: Slovenly Appearance

That morning's breakfast was too painful to bare for those not brooding. Lenore sat silently in her seat, and quickly ate down her food once the words of wisdom were spoken, while Santh seemed to mimic her movements. It was as if they were trying to race each other to the end of the meal, even though they never made eye contact or gave any hint that they cared for the other's presence. Once they finished, they both stood up and hurried out of the dining hall. This would be a race who could put their dishes in the bin and get out of the door before the other.

None of the other dorm mates had even touched their food at that point, except for Routine. He looked well put together that morning, nothing like he had the night before. Though, he hadn't spoken a word all morning. None of them had either as Santh's and Lenore's silent feud had caused too much tension even in the wee hours of the morning.

However, Routine wasn't the kind to pick up on the imbalance of the dorm and would normally speak his mind relentlessly.

"How long will this go on?" Ophelia asked as she watched Lenore slam her shoulder into Santh in order to get out of the hall first.

Remus raised both eye brows, "Shall we place bets?"

"A week." Jolon was the first.

"Five days then." Anton joined in.

"Ophelia? Routine?" Remus had pulled a small scroll out of his tabard pocket and was writing the information down.

"I do not feel comfortable betting on my friends' misery like this." She began to eat the yogurt in front of her, pushing aside the slices of orange. Normally, Lenore would eat them for her.

"Come now. It does not deal directly with their emotional state, simply how long they will continue this foolishness." Remus turned to Routine, "I suppose you have the same objection."

"Two days." Routine bet, and everyone noticed that once again he didn't correct the usage of his nickname.

"Fine, one day. What are you going to bet, Remus?" Ophelia watched him write it down with a piece of charcoal.

"As the bet taker, I can not also bet. That would be unethical." He looked around the rest of the group. "Now, I should have led with this, but what is the prize? Five copper?"

"One silver." Jolon wanted to get something out of this other then a couple buns from the hamlet.

They all nodded in agreement, even though that small sum would mean nothing to Ophelia and Routine.

"Are you alright, Routine?" Ophelia asked once Remus put the scroll away. "You haven't been yourself lately."

Routine, who was slowly eating his meal, looked up at her with no humor in his eyes. "If I wished for you to bare witness to my complications in life, I would invite you without any prompting."

"I didn't ask you to take me with you. I simply wished to hear you say that you were alright. Nowhere did I imply that you should tell me what the problems you are having is." She turned her attention back to the bowl in front of her.

He snorted, "As meddlesome as you are, I highly doubt that you were not attempting in some form to learn..."

"That's enough, Routine." Remus dropped his hand onto the table. "She hasn't done anything to deserve this, and was simply being inquisitive over your well being."

Routine frowned, "There are few who can pry into my existence. Anyone who calls me by that nickname is certainly not one of them." With that he grabbed his tray and hurried for the front door.

"What has overcome our dorm as of late?" Anton asked rhetorically.

The group nodded before shaking their heads. All returned to their meals without much spoken to each other for the remainder of breakfast.


Lenore stood outside in the court next to a classroom as she waited for the professor to arrive. She leaned against the wall, and pulled her head back as she started to rub her eyes. It felt as if she had received no sleep the night before, even though she has gone to bed earlier than usual. Of course, she had also gotten so used to falling asleep quickly due to alcohol that she had difficulty when it came to switching over from reality to the dream world.

"You look tired." A familiar voice spoke in front of her head.

She didn't bother to bring her head down to look at him. "Les, I can not deal with you at this moment. Take your leave."

There was silence for several moments, and she thought he had left until she finished rubbing her eyes and brought herself to reality. It took a moment for her eyes to readjust after all the pressure she had placed on them, but she could see her brother standing in front of her clear enough. Enoch and Krius at his back looking smug as always.

Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and she released a loud exasperated sigh. "What?"

"I hear that your dorm has chosen to take place in the tournament. I have also heard that those commoners will be participating in the hammer throw and archery. Is this true?" Lesatan crossed his arms.

"What of it?"

Lesatan clicked his tongue and took a couple steps toward his sister. He placed one hand on the wall next to her head before leaning in. "I have tolerated much in your little rebellion, but this is too much."

Lenore chuckled bitterly. "Do you fear that you will lose to commoners, Les?"

"I fear that the Princess would be looked down upon by the people for standing with a bunch of outcasts. They already know that you take up room with them, and that you eat with them. Must you also stand with them against me?" She could tell that he was trying to control the infliction and anger in his voice. "Is it truly something that you must do in order to humiliate me further? As if, you have not punished me enough for whatever crime you believe I have committed against you."

"Ah, so this isn't about how I will be seen, but how you will be?" Lenore pressed her lips together and shook her head slowly. "I hear that you and your advisers will once more be joining the tournament." She watched him nod. "I have a solution so that you will not be seen a fool who loses to his sister and some commoners."

"And that is?" He asked when she left a pause.

"Don't participate." Lenore shoved his arm down. "Now, I do not think this is the appropriate place for us to be having these discussions, or do you fail to see all the prying eyes and ears around us?"

Lesatan looked around at the students who were walking by to get to their next class. He turned back to her. "We are not finished, but I shall speak to you later."

"I look forward to it." She hissed.

Lesatan began to walk with with Krius following close behind him, Enoch stayed behind. She looked at him with disgust as he tried to find the words to speak to her.

"Your brother worries for you. Shouldn't you, at least, be grateful that he thinks of you so much? He has tried to..."

"I do not take advice from a man, whose boyhood persona held me down in the mud as he slowly dripped spit into my face before sucking it back in." Lenore snapped. She stomped her foot toward him, and Enoch startled slightly.

"You have become a cruel woman, Princess. I shall pray that someday you will learn forgiveness from those who are trying to do better." He hurried to catch up with his prince.


Remus noticed Routine in the crowd, and rushed to place himself beside his friend. "Does Lenore know what is bothering you so?"

Routine looked at the man standing next to him, and came to a complete stop which forced the other students to walk around him. Most knew who he was and didn't dare to give any sort of unkind glare or word. It reminded Remus that no matter how close he became to this man, he was still one of the most powerful people in the country. Something that was easy to forget, when the future leader of the Souchans sleeps in the unmentionable dorms, and when the Princess of the country acts as if she is upon your level.

"Lenore and I have not conversed as of late." He informed him. "Does this satisfy the goals of your interrogation?"

"You two always speak to each other. When I first came to the dorm, I half expected that the two of you were lovers." He was partially joking and partially speaking the truth.

Routine didn't see the humor in anything this man was saying. "Lenore is far too involved with other matters to associated for prolong time with me."

"Oh, you are jealous!" Remus smacked his thigh. "Why was I unable to see this before? Lenore has moved out of your room, she has more friends now than just you, she is practicing for the tournament, and has overall lost the time she would normally spend with you."

"Of course, I am." The sentence melted all of the humor in the conversation away. "Was I somehow ambiguous in my wording?" He didn't wait for Remus to respond. "It is as you say. Lenore has left our shared quarters, and has found others worthy of her time. I seem to be forgotten."

Remus stuttered for a couple moments as he couldn't believe that Routine would admit such a thing to him. "Are you confiding in me that you are in love with her?"

"Ludicrous!" Routine scoffed. "Romantic love is a form of ownership over another. You expect certain loyalties that one would never ask of a platonic friend. I myself would never wish to put such restrictions on someone I care for."

"I'm not sure I follow."

Routine didn't seem to want to bother to explain further. "My answer in it's most basic form is 'no.' Is that clear enough for you or perhaps I should lower my vocabulary further?"

Remus began his stuttering once more.

"My feelings for Lenore" He began, "are far greater than any love a dictionary could define. She is a person that I tolerate with great patience no matter how many times she amends the rule manual." With that he turned around and began heading for his next class.

Remus stood quietly for a moment, as he tried to understand what exactly he had just been informed of. He jumped back when Routine appeared before him once more.

"Also, this jealousy is not the cause for my slovenly appearance when I return to the dorm. Good day."


Armand found himself as half of an odd couple as he and Krius made the short journey back to their bedrooms. They had both left the Prince's study and had chosen to study in their private rooms, rather then in the study where they usually spent their time.

He had always known that the Prince trusted him the least, but he was always curious why Krius was his most favored adviser. The man was large enough to be a wonderful body guard, and he had the skills for it, but he just didn't seem like he was meant for this position. Armand had grown up beside him, and still he felt that Krius and he were somewhat of strangers. They both carried secrets that much was clear to each other.

Krius suddenly came to a halt near an open window. His eyes were attempting to burn through something or someone. This made Armand interested and he walked over to the window to look outside.

Authin was sitting in the Royal Dorm's courtyard on a bench next to the fountain. He was studying from a book, and, for the first time since he knew the boy, looked very intent. It was as if this was the one aspect of his life that he took seriously.

The quick glance was enough to satiate his curiosity, and Armand continued down the hall until he arrived at his bedroom door. Once he opened it, a large figure pushed passed him and entered his room first.

"Come in." Armand stepped inside as he watched Krius pace his room.

Most of the rooms in the dorm were decorated similarly. A canopy bed in the center of the room and a fireplace along one of the walls. A writing desk was always placed near the large window, and a beautiful hand woven rug lay on the floor. Armand's armoire was something he brought from home to replace the one that had been there before. His room was smaller and less decorated then the Prince's but still much nicer than the Mondue or Souchan dorms.

"That he would give her hand to that creature makes my blood boil!" Krius punched the air followed by his own hand. He continued to pace between the bed and the writing desk.

"I had thought your relationship with the Princess was at an end. She no longer acts interested in your advances." He walked over to his bed and sat down. This situation made him uncomfortable, he didn't believe he had ever truly been alone with Krius before. "Didn't the Prince give you ample opportunities to win her over once more?"

Krius stopped in the middle of his pacing and looked up at Armand with annoyance. "Are you suggesting that you agree with the decision? That it would please you to know that she married that man and that her love for him was simply created through trickery?"

Armand snorted, "Isn't all love created through a little bit of trickery? Granted, he has motives to attain a higher title by marrying her, but that would be true for anyone who married her. Who isn't to say that he gains feelings for her in return?"

The large man looked flabbergasted by the other adviser's words. "I do not believe... how could you say such things? Was she not your friend once?"

"She is always my friend, but I can do nothing to stop this. The wheels are already in motion, and we will simply have to see how the two of them play this dance out." Armand stood up and walked to the door. He opened it for his friend.

Krius came to stand in front of him, before slamming the door shut. "She's mine!" He growled into the other man's face. "She was promised to me!"

Armand didn't look shaken in the least by Krius' increasing anger. He seemed like a wild animal at times, but Armand knew him enough to know that Krius would never hit someone without being prompted to do so. "Then go take her back. You never have explained to any of us, why you failed to begin with. She seemed rather taken with you for nearly two years, and then suddenly it is gone."

The rage left Krius' face and he took a couple deep breaths. "I should tend to my studies. Good evening, Armand."


"You are doing incredibly well, Annie." Lenore praised her student.

Anton found that the more he practiced and the better he become, the less Lenore screamed at him for his mistakes. It was motivation enough to increase his skills. The Princess was quite terrifying and when the rest of the arena stared he could feel himself shrinking into a speck of sand.

"You might actually win this." She patted his shoulder as they stood on the platform and Anton took another shot hitting the target in the center. "Have you been practicing much without me?"

"Everyday. I asked Arms-Professor Mego if I could take one of the bows home with me, and practice my drawing." He pulled another arrow and quickly fired another shot.

"Beautiful." She praised once more. "I'll have to buy you a snack from the hamlet when I go out tonight. What would you like?"

Anton shrugged his shoulders. "Surprise me?"

"Certainly. All right, that will be enough for the day." Lenore picked up the cross bow while Anton grabbed the long and short. They carried them to the weapons racks and put them away gently. "It looks like they are going to stay to practice longer." She spoke of Jolon and Santh off in the distance.

Anton followed the Princess out as they headed toward their dorm. "May I ask you a question? You don't have to answer it if it is too personal." He jogged up beside her.

Lenore turned her head to look at him as if to tell him to go ahead.

"I... Well, the dorm really believes that there is something between you and Santh." He tried not to rub his hand in a worried manner, but now that he had asked the question out loud he realized how invasive it sounded.

"Wanting me all for yourself, Anton?"

"What? No!" He waved his hand in front of him. "I didn't mean it like..." He cut himself off when he saw her chuckle. "Oh, you were teasing me. What I meant was everyone agrees that he has feelings for you, but no one can agree on whether you do or not."

"Ah, so you are attempting to play match maker." Lenore stopped in the center of the flowered court right before they would enter the path to their dorm. "Anton, do you understand the title that I hold?"

"Princess, you will either be married off to a king or prince in another country, or marry someone of another title. Oh, your brother wants you as his adviser, doesn't he?"

Lenore nodded with a soft smile. "Yes, I have a very specific fate. It will only be a matter of a five more years, before I must accept that fate and begin to walk that path. Do you know who the only other person in this dorm is that could possibly walk that path beside me?"

"Routine." He answered immediately.

"Correct. As for now I have five years of freedom left before reality must bring me to my knees, and show me who I must be."

"I see."

"Santh and I argue and occasionally I tease him because I know there is something there even if he doesn't know it yet. However, if anything were to occur it would be in secret, and would end when I left this school. There is no future in him." She placed her hand on his shoulder. "So, it would be best if the whole lot of you stopped having these shared delusions." She began to walk down the path. "I am sure they make Santh as uncomfortable as they make me."

"Are you stating you have no feelings for Santh then?"

Lenore turned around to look at him with a weak smile. "Feelings don't change fate, and are therefore irrelevant. Come along, I need to get out to the hamlet. The Royal Princess needs a drink."

Anton quickly followed behind her, but a few feet away Jolon looked up at Santh who had come upon the whole ordeal together. The older student stood in stunned silence as he thought over what he just heard, but he wasn't certain if she had truly admitted to anything or not.


Piera groaned as loudly as she could when the door to her private room in the library opened and her brother appeared. She quickly smacked her head against the table she was seated at in an attempt to show her disgust for his inevitable arrival.

The room had stone walls, a red rug, one table surrounded by chairs and one window. It was meant to be cozy and sound proof so that study groups could meet and assist each other. Piera enjoyed taking the rooms all to herself, as she disliked being bothered in the library and her dorm was far too noisy.

"Byron!" She barked as he shut the door behind him and came to stand across the table from her. "How many times do I have to tell you that this is going to happen? Did you believe this could be avoidable forever?"

He slammed his hand on the table, "A focus on anything but my studies would cause anarchy within my own mind." He pulled out his tucked in shirt. "No woman could comprehend my inability for empathy or my lack of desire for her."

"Do you not understand your place in the world? You will be taking over father's house, and you will be expected to have children who will someday replace you. I know that my incredibly intelligent brother grasps the responsibilities that will one day be thrust upon him, so I do not see why you are fighting this now." Piera watched as Routine began to pace back and forth, pulling his hair in frustration. She had seen him do similar habits when a math problem proved to be too difficult.

He continued to rough himself up as he attempted to think of a solution to this problem. "Make them give me another year or two, and I will grant you access to Anton."

Piera raised an eyebrow, "Your roommate? The commoner?" She began to laugh. "If I wanted to see him, I would be seeing him and there would be nothing you could do to stop me, Byron." She flinched when he hit the stone wall with his fist.

"Requisition more time!"

Standing up, Piera walked around the table and grabbed her brother's hand. "Why did you do that?" She asked as she had never seen him act that violently before. "I think you may have broken your knuckle."

He pulled his hand away, "I am unimpaired."

She grabbed his hand again, "Move your fingers. Move them!" She shouted directly into his face when he didn't oblige her the first time. She could see his hand twitched a couple times, but his middle finger didn't seem to move much at all. "We need to get you to the clinic."

She hurried to gather her items and when she had finished, she turned her attention back to where she had left her brother. The door was open and he had disappeared.

Running out of the room, she entered the great library. Filled bookcases lining the walls, scroll racks filled the room, along with several tables with students studying. It smelled of molding paper, but Piera wasn't concerned with her favorite place in the school at this point, she wanted to find her brother.

Rushing out the front door, she was quick to spot him in the crowd of students. She knew he was heading for his dorm. Pushing her way through the crowd with books in her arms, she grabbed his upper arm when she finally reached him.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Routine turned to face his sister. "Go finish your studies. I can tend myself." He yanked his arm from her hold and returned to the moving sea of students.

Piera watched him disappear once more. She wondered if she should actually help her parents find him a fiancee at this school if he felt this strongly about it. Shaking her head, she headed back to the library as she tried to decide what would be the appropriate thing to do. She would hate to defy her parents, but she also knew that one day her brother would be in control and she didn't wish to upset him either.


Ophelia stood in the spare dorm room with her partially made dress hanging on sewing mannequin, and another dress on another right next to it. She pulled pins from her lips as she tried to get the sizing for her green dress just right, and the one she was making for Lenore. She began to hum as she went about her work and when she was finally complete with the sizing, she stepped back and clasped her hands together.

"There!" She cheered for herself as she believed herself to be the only one in the dorm before roll call.

Her dress had a puffed out tress and was lined with lace that Lenore had bought for her in exchange for making her own dress. Lenore's own dress was made from silk. Black with a large pink flower hand painted onto the cloth. She didn't want hers to puff out the way Ophelia's did, and the younger girl thought it was a strange dress for the ball, but wasn't about to argue with the Princess.

A shadow appeared behind her, and Ophelia turned around with a large smile on her face. "Santh! Aren't they beautiful?" She asked him. "This one is going to be mine, and that one is Lenore's." She pointed to each one.

Staring at the dresses, Santh gave a brief nod which in truth was no answer at all.

"Dance classes start the day after rest day, aren't you excited?" She bounced between the two mannequins. "You are coming to the ball, aren't you? Please say that you are!"

"No." He mumbled before heading back down the hallway as his curiosity of what was going on in the spare room was satiated.

Ophelia followed him half way down. "Lenore went out to the hamlet, but said she would be back for roll call. Remus said he has some things to take care of. Anton and Jolon went to the library, and I don't know where Routine is."

"I didn't ask." He informed her before stepping into his room and sliding the door shut.

She cocked her head to the side as she thought about this behavior he was demonstrating. It made her think for a moment about her relationship with Santh. He never truly spoke to her, and when he did it was usually to the group and not directly to her. He was never outright rude to her, but now that she thought about it, he didn't seem to like her very much.

She couldn't think of anything she had done that would make him dislike her. She tried to come up with some explanation, though all she could really decide on was that Santh didn't seem to talk to anyone much to begin with.

"How are the dresses coming along?" Remus appeared in the hallway.

Ophelia was quick to forget her thoughts about Santh, and quickly skipped down to the back room.

Remus wondered why she was waiting in the hallway, staring at his door, but thought better of asking as no doubt there was a very long story behind it.

"Aren't they pretty?" Ophelia stood between the two mannequins when he entered the room. "The big pink flower covers Lenore's chest and then comes around her hip to rest behind her. Do you think she'll love it? I hope she loves it."

"Ophelia, they are by far the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen in all my days of ballroom gatherings." He stepped forward and looked at Ophelia's dress. "You will allow me to take you, won't you?"

The smile faded from her lips. "You want to take me to the ball?"

It suddenly felt like his heart was in his throat as he didn't understand why Ophelia didn't jump for joy the moment he asked. "But, of course."

"Aren't you afraid of what people will think of you when you take the traitor's daughter?"

Remus chuckled and took her hand. He patted it once before speaking. "Of course not."

The smile slowly returned to her lips. "I can't wait to tell Lenore! Oh no, but she doesn't have anyone to take her yet."

"She is the Princess, Ophelia. You needn't worry."


Jolon entered into his room with Anton following behind him. Santh was laying on the bed without a shirt on, while Remus and Ophelia could be heard conversing in the other room. A small box laying in front of Jolon's closet was waiting for him, even baring his name writing with a delicate hand.

"What is this?" Jolon wandered over to it and picked up the light wooden box.

Santh shrugged his shoulders. "It has been here since I arrived." He then turned on the bed so that his back was to them.

Anton came to stand next to him. "Be careful, we haven't been bothered too badly as of yet, but it could start any time now."

Jolon pulled the twine that kept the box closed, and lifted the wooden lid. Inside, was a handmade scarf and a small scroll. "To Jolon, For the coming winter. Saena." He read it out loud and then looked at the soft gray scarf.

"Jolon is getting gifts from a girl!" Anton shouted as loudly as possible, which caused Remus and Ophelia to appear quickly.

"A girl?" Ophelia ran over to stand in front of Jolon. She looked at the scarf and even gave it a couple pets. "Oh, she spent a lot of time on this. Look how uniformed it is. She wanted to make this perfect for you."

He pulled the scarf away from her. "She is only doing this because I bought buns for her and her family."

"Aww, Jolon, you are so sweet." Ophelia giggled.

Remus stepped forward to have a look as well. "What an odd gift to give a man. Surely, she must know that you can purchase your own clothing."

"Remus, nothing beats having an article of clothing that was lovingly made for you by someone you care for." She took the scarf and began to wrap it around Jolon's neck. "It looks so warm. How wonderful! Who is she?"

The whole group began to be pushed aside as Santh stood up and made his way for the door. "Do you fail to see how small this room is? It barely fits the three people that it was built for!" He barked before stepping out into the hall.

As he did so he came face to face with Lenore. The two stared at each other for a moment, unsure of what the next move would be. Santh was the first to come to a conclusion, he stepped aside and motioned for her to walk first. "Milady."

She looked briefly annoyed by his gesture, but then straightened her back and began to walk forward. "Of course, the servants should always move aside for their masters."

Santh was about to argue, but closed his mouth and decided he wouldn't be dragged into another match with her.

"Why is everyone assembled in here?" Lenore asked as she looked at the group.

"Saena of the Servant's Guild gave Jolon a gift. They might be falling in love!" Ophelia seemed absolutely giddy, which made Remus and Anton laugh while Jolon began to turn a new shade of red.

"Servant's Guild?" Lenore raised an eyebrow, it didn't go unnoticed by her that Santh was now standing beside her in the doorway. "Aren't you the son of the Guild master of the Carpenter's Guild?"

Jolon nodded.

"Do not become too attached then." She watched as everyone looked at her with curiosity. "She can never marry you without proper schooling, that is if marriage is even a direction you wish to take at this junction. However, you also want to stay for four years, do you not? Placing yourself even further from her reach."

Anton began to speak, "Lenore, must you throw water on the fire even though it is only a spark?"

"Better when it's a spark before it burns the entire woods down." With that she headed back into her room.

The joy had been sucked from the room, and Jolon removed the scarf to hang it in his closet. Ophelia went back to the spare room to work on her dress, while everyone else found their way to their own beds to await roll call.


"I spoke to the woman." Remus sat down on his bed with Jolon laying on the top bunk.

Santh remained quiet as he didn't realize that he was the one that was being spoke to. He remained with his back to both his roommates.

"She said she would like to meet you." When Santh didn't move Remus removed his shoe and tossed it at his friend's back.

The large man sat up and looked down at the shoe that now rested on his bed. He grabbed it and tossed it across the room where it hit Remus' knee and then fell to the floor. "What woman?"

"You asked me if I knew any Mondue women of your position, and we settled on one. Her name is Krine Ricacalen, she rooms in the girls' dorm. She is a second year, so you will only have this remaining year to woe her before she must leave." Remus didn't appreciate that his friend looked so underwhelmed by his hard work.

"She has nineteen years behind her, then?"

Remus nodded.

Jolon looked over the edge of the bunk bed, "You are introducing him to a woman?"

"You said that she was taller than most?"

Remus chuckled. "Well, tall as most Mondue females are. When I saw her with others of your party, she seemed to be of normal height."

"What about the Princess?" Jolon asked still trying to be part of the conversation that was being had without him.

A smirked appeared on Remus' lips. "Indeed, what of the Princess? I believe that part of our deal was that you would admit to me your feelings for Lenore. Therefore, until you do I shall not give you the date and time that Krine wishes to meet. It would break her heart so, as she apparently has carried a small torch for you since last year."

Santh clicked his tongue as he glared at his friend. His eyes went up to Jolon who was also watching this unfold. "Leave the room." He ordered the freshman.

Jolon crossed his arms and laid down on his back. "No, this is my room too."

Standing up, Santh walked over to the bunk bed where he was able to see his roommate clearly enough without stepping up on the bottom bunk. "You can leave under your own power or mine."

The two stared at each other briefly, before Jolon moved toward the ladder and jumped to the ground. "This is my room too!" He barked as he headed toward the door. Opening it, he slammed it shut as he went across the hall to bother Anton and Routine.

Santh looked down at Remus, "I may have briefly confused myself but that is over."

Remus scoffed, "That is hardly a confession. Try again."

The annoyance was clear enough in the Mondue's eyes, and he crossed his arms as he continued to glare down at his friend. "In the past, I may have hid one feeling with another, but this is no longer the case."

"No, say it so that the meaning is clear."

"You are looking to have me beat you into nothing but a blood stain, aren't you?" He growled under his breath.

Remus laughed, "In all the years that I have known you, Santh, never once have you put your hands on me. No matter how angry I have made you. I do not fear you. Now, say it with a clear meaning."

Santh mumbled something under his breath.

Placing his hand to his ear, Remus leaned toward him. "Beg pardon, I didn't hear that."

The larger man bent over slightly and looked around the room for fear someone might be listening in. "I have experienced lustful emotions toward Lenore." He whispered.

Sitting back, Remus stared up at his friend. "Not quite what I wanted to hear, as who here has not? She is the Princess after all. Who does not have lust in their hearts from time to time for someone who is the heir apparent if Lesatan were to die?"

Santh breathed heavily through his nose. "Why don't you tell me the wording that you wish for me to use and I will parrot it back."

Standing up, Remus thought for a moment. "Very well, I want you to say 'I have feelings of the romantic nature toward Lenore that I have masked with hatred. Now, that I see her being wooed by another I realize that I am not able to reach her, and I want another woman to take my mind from her.'"

"I am not speaking those words." Santh watched Remus cross his own arms and lift his eyebrows as if to inform him than he would not give him Krine. "I have feelings for Lenore. I am jealous of Authin. I know I am a commoner that shall never have her. Please, tell me when and where I might meet Krine."

"Good enough." He reached into his pocket and offered him out a small scroll. "She wants to go to the ball after the tournament as well. I suspect you should start making plans, it won't be long."


Lenore returned after a long evening of running errands for the Fox. As she walked up the stairs, she watched Routine stepped into his room, most likely he had to relieve himself during the night. She followed in behind him, and laid down on the bed beside him. He was on his back and she on her side. He allowed her to use his arm as a pillow as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"You have not been yourself the past couple of days, Byron." Lenore whispered not wanting to awake Anton on the top bunk.

She could feel Routine's fingers gently dancing over the skin of her shoulder as the butterfly sleeves were pulled up. "My parents have created an obligation that I must fulfill within the year."

"Which is?"

"Locating a suitable spouse." He sighed. "They have contracted my own sister to be their agent and target innocent women in this ploy."

"It is a burden we must all take on at some point, Byron. Eventually, I will be made to marry as well. Most likely, my marriage will be one to bring more power to my brother. I am but a pawn, where at the very least you get to choose someone of your liking." She adjusted her head on his shoulder so her cheek bone was no longer pressing against his shoulder bone.

"Do you understand the implications of being my wife? I will show no affection, no jealousy, no desire, and certainly no willingness to create a bond."

Lenore looked up at him from his shoulder. "You were initially like this with me, but eventually you grew to accept me."

"I tolerate you due to the title you hold."

She gently smacked his stomach. "Do not pretend that we are not friends, Byron." She sat up and looked down at him. "If you are honest with her from the beginning about who you are, I am certain you will find someone who is willing to accommodate, if you are also willing to give other offerings. How many loveless marriages are there? Some are friends and some are bitter rivals. Look at the King and Queen as proof."

He remained silent in the dark.

"The mere fact that you are even worried about this, proves that you aren't heartless and that you will be at least willing to offer her some form of companionship."

"I do not wish to make this my focus while I still have three more years of university left." Routine pulled his arms behind his head and stared up at the top bunk.

"I suppose I can see why that would be a burden. Perhaps..." Lenore's words trailed off for a brief moment. "Oh, let us get engaged."

Routine sat up immediately to look at her with the little light they had in the room. "You most assuredly are jesting now."

"No, we shall tell your parents that it will have to wait until after university as per my father's instructions. It will purchase the time you need to finish your studies."

"So this would be a ruse?"

Lenore shrugged her shoulders. "For now. Perhaps, in the future we might find that we are suited to such a partnership. I wouldn't mind leaving the Royal Party as that would end my reign as a pawn."

"Would your father agree?"

She briefly bit her bottom lip. "He does not need to know for now, but he would trust me. To recap, you tell your family, I meet them a few times to keep them at bay. They believe my father wants us to wait to announce it, and therefore the only ones that know it are your family, you, me, and..." She laid back on the bed and kicked the top bunk. "Anton!"

"Hey! I sleep in here, and I can't help that you talk loud enough for me to hear!" Anton barked.

"You keep silent about this arrangement!" She warned.

The commoner snorted. "As if anyone would believe someone as lowly as me."

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