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(AU) Chapter 17: Vicious Monster

Pymus arrived at the dorms early that morning though Routine had gone to get fitted for his armor. They had passed the rather grumpy looking Nicoletti on their way down the dirt path. He had no interest in pleasantries, and Crolus told his father that the crankiest members of any tournament team is the jousters, as it is not an easy task wearing that armor. Pymus informed his son that he was well aware of that considering his good friend the king tried to be the jouster a few times.

Once they arrived in the court of the South dorm, there was activity already taking place. Lenore was the first to emerge from her room and she smiled at both guests.

"The Lady Cromwell, good morning." Pymus bowed his head as did Crolus.

"Good morning." She smiled once more before pounding on the wooden frame of the dorm room beside her. "Remus, you're father is calling." She headed down the stairs and came to stop in front of Crolus. "It is my last day at the melee. I don't suppose you can tell me how far ahead I am?"

Crolus grinned. "No, my lady."

"Ah, it was worth a chance."

With that Remus exited his room and came to stand in front of his father. "This is quite the surprise."

Pymus put his hand on his son's shoulder and began to lead him around the dorm and toward the stream. "Come we must speak, and I do not know how much time we will have after the tournament tonight."

Remus followed beside his father. "Those two met last night." He immediately tattled on his brother once they were out of ear shot.

"What your brother and Lenore do is none of your concern." Pymus scolded. "Unless, of course, you carry a flame for the lovely lady?"

He frowned, "Even if I did, she would be well beyond my reach... unless of course this chat is to tell me how you have tossed your eldest aside and I am now the heir. If that much is true, I could consider advice that it would be beneficial to woo the fair princess."

The two men came to a stop next to the stream, and Pymus chuckled at his son's attempt. "Well, we certainly got closer to the heart of the matter. In truth, I came to discuss the true object of your affections, the Romanus girl. You are aware of her tale, are you not?"

"Of course, father, what sort of question is that? It is as if you do not know my nature at all."

The older man nodded his head briefly. "Then you do not deny your growing feelings for her are well beyond friendship or simple pity?"
His son stood silently for several moments as he carefully thought out his next words. "I am aware. My kindness has been an attempt to woo her, though she has shown herself to be far more useful than expected."

"What goals does she have? Will she attempt her four years and reclaim her father's lost seat?" Pymus crossed his arms and watched as his son began to think once more.

"I believe so."

Lowering his arms, Pymus took a deep breath. "You realize if anything came from this relationship that there would be a long and difficult road ahead of you?"

"I am not important enough to the guild for this to become a problem if and when she gets her lands and title back."

"I see." He frowned.

"You see what?"

Pymus looked disappointed in him. "I hope that you are not using this girl's soft nature to gain yourself lands and titles just so you won't have to live under your brother's shadow."

Now it was Remus' turn to look disappointed. "You truly do not know my nature, do you? Excuse me, I have... tasks to complete."
"She is the opposite of your mother, have you noticed?" Pymus asked his son who had taken a couple steps toward the dorm.
Remus stopped in his tracks and turned to look over his shoulder at his father. "Yes, it's... fascinating, isn't it?"


Santh had heard that Remus' father had arrived that morning when Lenore shouted it out for the entire woods to hear, but he did not expect to see Crolus standing out in the dirt court with Lenore standing before him. She chuckled when he spoke and acted slightly more delicate than what Santh knew to be her true nature.

"Last day." Jolon stretched beside him before beginning to wash in the basin. "I never thought I would be so grateful to return to classes."
Anton was also washing and agreed with a grunt. No one even noticed that Routine had left early that morning as over the past three days he had been exceptionally quiet unless he was complaining about his armor.

"What business does he have here?" Santh grumbled as he began to wash his face.

Ophelia was sitting on the stairs with a grin on her face as she watched Lenore, who was standing a distance away chatting with the young man. "It looks like love."

That comment made everyone perk up and look toward the chatting couple, all but Santh who tried to pretend that he wasn't interested in the slightest. Though he did take a couple glimpses through the wet hair that fell in front of his eyes.

"Lenore is too smart for a dullard like that." Jolon told the girl. "Surely, she is simply teasing him like she has done with Santh in the past."
Santh stood up straight and glared at him, "Are you suggesting that I am a dullard that could never have the princess?"

"No, you are a commoner that can never have the princess." Jolon retorted.

The large man was about to counter, but knew that the comment rang true. He gave a brief nod before finishing up his cleaning routine. "Aren't you going to wash?" He asked Ophelia hoping to change the subject.

"Lenore and I bathed in the stream earlier. It was very refreshing." She suddenly clasped her hand over her mouth. "Oh no, Lenore told me not to tell people we do that. You might spy on us."

All three men looked at the girl as if she had lost her mind. Ophelia didn't understand the insult in her comment and wondered why they had given her such a look.

"If Crolus is the Merchant Guild Master's heir, then could Lenore and he marry?" Anton asked when the awkward silence was too much for him.

"I believe she has said as such." Ophelia answered and pulled up her knees so she could lean her head against them.

Santh dried himself with a frown, "Always so worried about who marries the princess, you lot need to find lives of your own."

Ophelia immediately popped her head up and looked to the large man. "You are one to talk. You take more interest in what she says and does than all of us combined. If I didn't know better, I would say you were harboring feelings for her."

He couldn't believe the small girl had just spoken to him in such a manner. "Yeah... well, you... I hope you marry a vicious monster!" He snapped.

She looked taken aback briefly, before she grinned. "Very well, are you available?"

Jolon and Anton began to chuckle at her retort, though Santh found himself at a loss for an answer. This was his moment to leave, he decided and quickly headed down the dirt path though he made sure to "accidentally" slam his shoulder against the two love birds who were chatting near the path way.

Lenore looked shocked by his actions and turned to give the group a questioning look. Ophelia shrugged and the boys followed her example.


Lenore had won once more for the day and Anton had come in second place. Anton was disappointed in himself, but everyone but Santh encouraged him, even Routine had given him a pat on the back and told him that he had done well.

However, nothing prepared the group for the unarmed that day. The stands filled up as they had the day before and everyone couldn't wait to watch Santh and his amazing brawls. This day things had changed and Santh didn't just hit his opponents once and let them fall, instead he was most interested in letting his fights go on.

His opponents were losing but they looked nearly broken by the time that Santh finished with them. There was no doubt that Santh was angry about something and was taking it out on those he was fighting for the day. Poor Armand nearly through the fight after his third hit to the face, and Lenore almost give directions to her friend and not her dorm mate.

"He awoke in a terrible mood this morning." Jolon informed the group as Santh went up for his last brutal fight.

"He seemed content last night when he left to go drink in the hamlet." Lenore told them. "I can't imagine what could have happened between then and now."

"Well, he did seem very concerned about the way you were speaking to Crolus." Anton didn't know if he should have said anything about Santh's actions, but if she was the one that caused it then perhaps she could be the one to end them.

Jolon didn't look too pleased with Anton's admission either.

Lenore sighed audibly, "Of course, he acts like he isn't interested in me and then becomes upset when someone else is. This is just what happened with Authin, isn't it?"

"Most assuredly." Routine was leaning against the arena wall.

The two commoners gave each other knowing looks, but decided together in a moment of silent communication that they should no longer instigate the conversation.

Santh finished his brawl and came down to sit on the bench. Lenore grabbed the salve that each group was given for wounds though none of it had been used on Santh until today. She used her pinky to grab a clump and then tried to administer it to his cracked lip and bruised eye.

He pushed her hand away. "I will care for myself."

"You can't see where you are hurt." She tried to put the salve on him again, but once more he pushed her hand away.

"The heavens only know what those disgusting hands have touched, do not apply them to my person." He growled.

"You need some salve otherwise you will look terrible for the ball tonight. It's your first meeting with Krine, do you really want a black eye?"

Santh grabbed the salve from her hand as everyone watched on. He grabbed a clump with his forefinger and middle finger and then smeared it all over his face. Carefully, so not to miss any spot. "There, are you satisfied?" He looked up expecting to see a look of offense on Lenore's face but instead she looked amused.

"You look as if you stuck your face into a pot of cooking oil." She chuckled. "You are rather childish at times, aren't you?" With that she put the salve away and sat down on the bench beside him. She scooted close to him so that their hips were touching, as she knew Santh wouldn't scoot over due to his pride. "Does baby want to eat?" She grabbed one of the fruits that was offered to the group, the one she snatched up was an apple.

He frowned at her, while Anton and Jolon watched in amusement. "I am in no mood, Lenore."

"On the contrary, Santh, you are in a horrible mood. Did someone spit in your breakfast? Did you have a bad dream? Do you want me to cuddle you and make it all better?" She teased.

He slowly sucked in his bottom lip and decided not to answer to her as he snapped the apple from her hand and took a large bite from it. Lenore looked at the two commoners with amusement in her eyes before she winked and caused them to grin.


Odelia couldn't watch Santh's fights and covered her eyes whenever the large man entered the fighting arena. Even with her eyes covered, the sounds of his fists connecting to another being were audible as the arena was designed to be acoustic.

"Is it over?" She asked when she heard others cheering.

"Yes, mother." Ophelia reached out her hand and lowered her mother's. "He must be upset." She concluded out loud.

"Upset? Why?" Odelia watched the boy walk toward his dorm mates and Lenore grabbed the salve from a nearby basket.

Her daughter shrugged her shoulders. "Mother, did I show you my dress for the ball tonight?" She turned on her seat so she could better face her mother.

"Oh, yes, you did. It was lovely." Odelia looked grateful that her daughter would change the subject and allow her to not watch more brutality even though Santh's fights were over. "Who will you be attending with?"

"Remus." Ophelia informed her and motioned to the boy sitting behind her.

"That is very kind of you." She told the boy.

Remus looked slightly worried for his friend, though he seemed rather giddy that his friend had won and the bets were all in. After the first battle, people lost faith in Santh and thought he would tire himself out, but Remus knew better. However, if people wanted to vote against Santh then that was their loss.

"Remus." Ophelia spoke his name as he continued to stare off into the distance.

Pymus smacked his son's shoulder which brought him out of his reverie. "The ladies are speaking to you."

"I wanted to thank you for allowing my daughter to attend the ball with you." Odelia watched as he leaned forward.

"If anything I should be thanking her for allowing me to attend at her side." He grinned.

"Ah, a sweet talker, I see how you managed to win my daughter over now."

Pymus leaned into their little chatting circle, "I do so hope it is like mother like daughter." He watched Odelia raise an eyebrow. "Shall I escort you? I do so hate going alone."

"Oh, I do not know. I don't believe I brought anything nice enough to wear." Odelia frowned. Only those who had a companion to go with could attend the ball, except for Pymus who was allowed to get away with mostly anything.

"I have a spare dress, you can wear. It was from last year's ball, if that is alright?" Ophelia offered and her mother looked uncertain.
"I don't know, dear, I doubt I could fit in one of your dresses."

Her daughter smirked, "Mother, you have fit in my clothing since I was sixteen years old. Are you playing hard to get or a shy?"
Pymus chuckled. "My Lady Romanus, I am certain the dress will look wonderful on your frame. Please, do me the favor of attending at my side. I beg of you."

Odelia exhaled loudly, "Very well, but when rumors spread that you are a traitor to the throne, do not blame me. You are the one that took me along."

"Worried about me and not my son being called a traitor then?" He asked in a stern voice.

"No, I... I..."

Pymus and Remus both chuckled as Odelia and Ophelia looked horrified.

"Do not fret over our reputations. We wouldn't ask if we couldn't take the fall out." Pymus reassured her.

"Indeed, besides rumors surrounding us have never done well. Have they, father?" Remus leaned back in his seat and winked at Ophelia.

"Indeed not."


"What poison did you drink this morning that your mood is so foul?" Lenore asked when Anton took a seat on the bench a distance away from them, and Jolon took his turn in the hammer throw.

Santh didn't bother to look at the woman standing next to him, and continued to stare forward at his protege. The crowd was already gathered after his fights and they all cheered whenever a new competitor took their turn. "I do not know of what you speak."

"All morning you have been in quite the mood. The last two days, I thought that perhaps we had created a delicate kinship, but it seems on the last day that has been tossed aside." Lenore stood with her own arms crossed as she watched Jolon take his first throw.
While everyone could keep track of how many points the archery and hammer throwing made, the other three events were judged by people who kept the points hidden unless except to say who came in which place at the end of the day.

"I believe I have told you in the past that I have no desire for any such relationship with you. I find you to be an annoyance. It would be the greatest day of my life if you were to move out of our dorm, and never been seen again." He snapped.

Lenore was quiet as Jolon made his second attempt. "Very well. I will return to the Royal Dorms tomorrow, and I shall treat you and the others as if they are beneath me and strangers."

Santh couldn't believe what she was saying and he turned his attention toward her. "Truly?"

She nodded. "Granted, the others might have a difficult time adjusting, especially Ophelia. She probably won't understand my sudden betrayal, but if it's what the Great Lord Santh desires then I shall be accommodating."

A frown slowly formed on his lips.

"Oh, did you not consider Ophelia's feelings nor anyone else's when you made that request? Did you forget that the others have taken a liking to me and even call me their friend?" Lenore snorted. "Why is it so difficult for you to admit that you actually want to befriend me? That perhaps there is a small part of yourself that actually enjoys my company."

Jolon made his final throw and then slogged back over to the group. He stopped in front of Lenore and Santh who both faced him. "I am sorry."

Lenore placed her hand on the commoner's shoulder. "There is nothing to be sorry for. This is only your first competition and you have only recently learned the hammer throw. You have done wonderfully, better than we could have hoped. The same can be said for Anton. Don't you agree, Santh?"

He grunted in agreement.

"Salve your joints. Byron will end this misery for us all and we will finally know where we stand." She patted Jolon on the shoulder as he walked passed her and sat down next to Anton who had already pulled the salve out for him.

"Understand this, Princess, there is nothing about you that I find pleasant." Santh seethed. "You have no redeeming lady-like qualities. You drink more in a night than I could in a week. You molest people against their will. You pretend to be one of us, but when we get too comfortable with you then we are put in our place. Always reminded that you are the Princess and we are commoners. Even if it does hurt their feelings, return to the Royal Dorms, and they will finally see you for what you are. A cold, heartless Royal that deserves no love."

The slight smirk on Lenore's lips faded and Santh realized what he had just told her. A look of anger and hurt filled her eyes, "I will bother you no more, but I will not return to the Royal Dorms. Do not pretend you know anything about me or my life simply because of my guild or who my father is. That makes you ignorant, after today we shall not speak again."

With that Lenore made her way to sit next to Jolon and assisted him in putting his salve on. Santh watched her for a few moments as they prepared the jousting arena. A nagging voice told him to apologize, but his pride told him that she needed to hear that truth. Lenore was right about one thing, all these friendships were fleeting. Not a single one would last in the real world.


A platform was placed in the center of the arena and all four dorms surrounded it as the Chief Judge came to stand between them. His was a middle aged man with brown hair and a beard. He was also one of the professors at the school that taught mathematics. He carried a scroll in his hands and opened it before the groups and began to announce who had won each event.
"Greetings, guests!" He began speaking as loudly as he could so those in the stands could hear him. "These are the final scores for the tournament."

Jolon and Anton seemed surprise that there was no long speech before the announcement of the scores and instead the judge jumped right into it.

"This event had some of the highest scores for the each company in several tournaments. In forth place with seven hundred and ninety five points is the Mondue Dorm." None of the Mondue's looks pleased to be in the last slot, though the South Dorm was all but thrilled that their name was not called. "In third place is the Souchan Dorm with eight hundred and one points."

Lenore exhaled audibly, "We are going to get second." She grabbed the armored hand of Routine who was standing beside her and then Jolon's who was on her other side.

"Will the Mondues and Souchans please exit the arena." The Chief Judge watched them leave and then began. "The top two dorms will have their scores read. For the melee, Lenore Cromwell placed first with one hundred and seventy points, while in second place Krius La Croix scored one hundred and sixty six."

He went on to inform everyone that in archery Lesatan was first with one hundred and seventy six points and Anton in second place at one hundred and seventy. For hammer throwing, Enoch was in first place with one hundred and seventy two points, and Jolon another second at one hundred and sixty six. In jousting, Routine had placed third place at one hundred fifty four points, while Authin place second at one hundred and sixty four. It was the only event that someone other than the Royal or South Dorm won, that title belonged to the Souchans.
Finally, in unarmed Santh had the highest score of one hundred and seventy eight points making him two points shy of a perfect score, while Armand was a distance second at one hundred and sixty. The two dorms tried to add up with their scores when the judge paused briefly after speaking the scores.

"It's a tie at eight hundred and thirty eight." Routine told them.

The Chief Judge would soon echo that, "There is no clear winner defined by these points. Therefore, a tie breaker must be exploited. Under the rules of the tournament, a scroll with an event, excluding unarmed and jousting, will be pulled followed by what weapon will be used. Each company must decide who their final champion shall be."

With that a man on a horse road out into the arena wearing his knight armor and stopped in front of the queen. On his belt were several different sacks all colored differently. "Would, her highness, give us the honor of pulling the event?"

"Of course." Aletta reached in the dark brown sack and pulled out a scroll. She unwrapped it and announced, "Melee!"

The knight moved to the king as he grabbed a dark blue sack from his belt that more than likely carried the melee weapons. "My lord, if you would be so kind as to choose the weapon."

The King reached into the sack and removed a scroll. He unwrapped it a small grin came to his lips as he looked toward the two dorms. "Staves!"

Staves were a peasant weapon. One that most of the Royal Party didn't bother to learn as it was seen as beneath them.
"Companies pick your champion!" The Chief Judge yelled. "You have two minutes!"

"If I should be removed from this torture device, I shall do any task asked of me." Routine told them as they stood together in a circle.
Lenore ignored him and told her group, "I am well trained in staves, it should be me."

"Are you certain?" Jolon asked. "I was trained in them slightly."

She shook her head, "My father made us learn all manner of weapons. As Arms-Professor Mego told us, he believes that on the battle field your opponents won't stop for you to find a weapon you are comfortable with. He demanded we be comfortable with them all. I am certain that out of the Royal group that my brother is the only one with any training. He will be their champion, and I know with one hundred percent certainty that I can defeat him with staves."

They looked at each other with hesitation. "She has brought us this far in the melee." Anton decided to have the first word. Everyone nodded in agreement and Lenore walked over to the platform to inform the judge of the decision.

"Prince Lesatan Cromwell will champion the Royal Dorms!" The Chief Judge announced. "Princess Lenore Cromwell will champion the South Dorm!"


The melee arena was set up and the crowd cheered as Lenore and Lesatan were handed their staves. Lenore looked toward her father and found the Queen to be glaring at her. No words were needed. Aletta was telling her to not embarrass her brother or else there would be a price to pay. Her father was sitting beside his wife and his expression was one of interest. He wanted to see how this would end and didn't seem to care what others would think of either of his children.

"Whomever hits or gets the other to falter three times takes the tournament, do you understand?" The Chief Judge asked them as they stood in the center of the arena, looking at each other.

"Yes." Lenore and her brother spoke in unison.

The judge walked over to the side line to speak with the other judges who would be watching in order to get all the rules down. It had been over ten years since there had been a tie in the tournaments.

"Be weary of what you do here, Lenore." Lesatan warned. "Putting yourself up against me is probably the most idiotic decision you have ever made. You will either have to face my mother's wrath or let your dorm mates down. I would hate to be in your shoes."
She grinned at her brother. "That is why you have yet to become a great leader. You fear hard decisions, and more importantly you actually question your loyalty when a difficult path is placed before you."

The judge returned and put one of his hands between them. "Begin!" He yanked his hand away and hurried from the platformed arena.
Lesatan decided to attack immediately and overwhelm her. He knew that in her training she had been taught to avoid direct hits, so he hoped to exhaust her.

Lenore was not that easily over taken, she dodged the attack that flew over her head and left her brother's back exposed. With one strike she hit him with as much force as she could muster on his lower back.

"Point for South Dorm!" The Judge yelled in the back ground.

She then moved to the other side while Lesatan recovered, there would only be a couple moments while he was stunned. Using the staff, she swooped her brother's feet out from under him and used the end of her staff to stab him in the chest.

"South Dorm three! Royal Dorm zero!" The judge yelled and the crowd seem half dead compared to their cheering during the rest of the tournament.

Lenore looked toward her father, who briefly bowed his head and then at Aletta who she knew was already plotting against her. She would worry about that at another time, and turned to her dorm mates. She exited the platform and before she hit the ground, Anton and Jolon hugged her and jumped up and down. On her lips was a smile that nothing could wipe away.

The stands were clearing out quickly as people feared Lesatan's anger for his loss, but the South Dorm didn't seem to notice as they enjoyed their victory.

Santh walked over to Lenore and seemed to have completely forgotten about their argument. He lifted her up with one arm where her body was leveraged against his own, so she could be above the rest of the group which now consisted of Remus and Ophelia and their parents. Jolon's parents waited in the stands, and Anton's left for their room without so much as a congratulations to him. Routine's mother came down to hug her armored son, but his father had left to prepare for the ball that night.

Santh put Lenore down and she hugged Odelia and Ophelia, as Lesatan was helped out of the arena and limped toward the changing rooms. His eyes were filled with shame and anger that would one day be paid back in double, but only Lenore noticed and she would not destroy her friends' victory.

"I can not believe we won!" Anton yelled out loud. "It's all because of you two." He motioned toward her and Santh.

"I..." Lenore started and then stopped when she was approached by a messenger holding a scroll. Everyone went quiet as they watched Lenore's smile diminish.

"My Lady, the Queen wished for you to receive this."

The Princess read it and then looked toward Ophelia, "I have to visit with her before the ball." She looked at the others. "Everyone should head back to the dorm and prepare. I will see you shortly."

Ophelia nodded. "My mother is coming along as well."

Lenore smiled, "Good, then you will have someone to assist you." With that Lenore hurried away and everyone was left to wonder what exactly was occurring.


The others had hurried off to change for the ball, but Anton and Jolon found themselves walking slowly back as they had no where to be that evening. It felt like the rest of the dorms were giving them a wide berth, though it could have been because they were the champions or perhaps because they feared whatever Lesatan would do to them. They barely noticed, but their happiness couldn't be hidden from their faces.

"Master Jolon!" A woman's soft voice called to him.

He turned his head to find Saena running toward him with a smile on her lips.

"Congratulations!" She told them both as she came to stand before them. It seemed she had been running for a while as she was trying to catch her breath. "I watched everything from the servants' seats, and was cheering for you as loudly as I could." She told them.
Anton decided that he would leave the two alone and patted his friend on the shoulder. "I'll head home." He began to walk away but Saena caught his arm.

"No, wait, please!" She continued to be out of breath, and after a couple more breaths realized she was holding his arm. "Apologies, I should not have grabbed you."

"What it is, Saena?" Jolon asked.

"I heard that you will not be attending the ball tonight, is this true?" She looked between them and they both nodded. "You should come to the commoners' ball. We hold it outside the hamlet in the barren fields. There is a dance floor that we rebuild every tournament and food. It's just like the real ball, but with people like us and it's outside so you can see the stars." She seemed rather proud of it. "We have never had champions attend before, please say you will come? You would be kings there!"

"Are you asking me to be your escort?" Jolon smirked.

"Indeed, I am!"

He gave a nod. "Then I will attend at your side. What of you, Anton?"

Anton slowly shook his head, "I believe I will go home. You two enjoy your evening."

"Please come!" Saena begged before he could even take another step. "I have a very pretty cousin, whose parents won't let her go without a trustworthy escort."

"How would they know I am trustworthy?"

She chuckled, "You are the archery champion, of course, you are trustworthy. Please?"

He stared at her for a couple seconds. "How pretty?"

"As pretty as I am! Wait, that sounded a little arrogant." She sighed, "I meant, she and I look a great deal a like, so if you think I am pretty then you will think the same of her."

Anton now felt like he would insult the girl if he said no, even though she wasn't unattractive in the least. He gave a nod, "Very well."

Saena seemed to hold back jumping for joy. "We will meet you at the East gate in an hour then? I have to go home and change, and then we will take you to the dance." With that she hurried away still running as fast as her legs could take her.


Ophelia walked home at Remus' side and her stomach was tied into knots as she thought about the evening she was about to have. Her mother and Pymus had stopped to speak with the king before they would arrive at the dorms for Odelia to dress herself for the ball.
"Lenore was amazing today!" Ophelia clasped her hands together. "Just when you believe she can not be any more awe inspiring, she does some thing like this. If I were a man, I would have such a crush on her."

Remus chuckled. "When I first met, Lenore. I have to admit there was a certain attraction that lasted quiet some time. Her intelligence and tenacity are very alluring."

"What made that attraction stop?" She didn't feel any jealousy when he spoke the truth of his emotions toward Lenore. She wondered why there had been no reactions, perhaps it was the matter of fact way that he spoke as if it was a past memory that no longer carried any weight.

"What made your attraction toward Santh come to an end?" He raised an eyebrow and smirked widely.

"I asked first."

"I asked second, and I will not answer you until after you answer me." He crossed his arms as he continued to walk forward with her at his side.

Ophelia took a deep breath, "He wants Lenore and there is no other in his sight, and Lenore wants him though neither can seem to admit it. I guess that started it, but I knew it had truly ended when I discovered my father killed his own. Now, your turn."

He shrugged his shoulders, "My answer is not as complicated as your own. She eventually became my sister, I suppose. A keeper of my secrets. She knows things about me that I have never told Santh, and some thing about that sort of bond transcends physical attraction, plus she has hit me a couple of times and that makes her very unattractive."

Ophelia chuckled at first, but then stopped walking and turned to face Remus, "Secrets?"

"We all have them."

She looked hesitant for a moment, but she quickly spoke the words as if they were fire in her mouth. "May I ask you a question?"

"You just did."

There was no look of amusement in her eyes, instead was a look that bothered Remus though he could give it no name. "May I ask you another?"

"You just did."

Ophelia frowned and he knew that it was time to stop toying with her, that this was a moment of sincerity between them. "Remus, let me ask you a question."

He gave a nod.

"Are you the Fox?"

Remus' eyes widened and looked at the girl with shock for several moments, "Am I the Fox?" A thousand different answers danced around his head. Ones that he had rehearsed a million times before in case this question was ever posed to him, but they were all lies. He couldn't confirm the truth, but he certainly didn't want to lie to this woman either.

"Are you?"

A soft grin came to his lips and Remus leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on her lips. With that he began to walk toward the dorms.
Ophelia touched her lips as she watched the man walking ahead of her. She tried to understand what that kiss could mean, and then a grin crossed her face. She was a gossip that was well known to her and no secret to anyone who knew her, so Remus had done the only thing he knew how to keep her silent. He had just sealed his secret and her lips with a kiss.


Lenore left the armor in the changing room and exited out into the arena. The festival could be heard in the distance for those that wouldn't be attending the ball or the dance that the commoners held out in the fields. The only people left in the arena were the servants that were taking the platforms down and gathering up the weapons.

She noticed that some of the servants looked weary in one particular direction, and so she followed their glances. Lesatan stood on the archery platform as he practiced firing his bow. The servants were more than likely upset that as long as he was there that they would not be able to disassemble the platform.

Making her way over to him, she grabbed a short bow and came to stand next to him on the platform. He looked at her briefly before firing an arrow dead center into the target, before turning to her.

"You made a fool of me today. My mother will not be pleased." He informed her before grabbing another arrow and firing, again it hit the center of the target.

Lenore grabbed two arrows and shot them at the target standing next to her brother's. One barely made it into the center and the other missed by an inch. She then looked at her brother who had watched her and he picked up four more arrows, and fired them. Lenore followed his example and by the end of their silent tournament, Lesatan was the winner. Most his of were close to the center while Lenore's had all hit her target but were all over.

"You always were the best archer. That's why father always sent you with diplomats on hunts, he knew that you would catch something for them." Lenore told him as she sat down at the edge of the platform so her feet dangled.

Lesatan sat down next to his sister and looked at her target. "How did you teach that boy archery when you are so terrible at it yourself?"
She smirked, "Those who can not do, teach?"

"Is that a question or an answer?"

"What do you want it to be?" She chuckled and he grinned as he tapped his bow against his dangling foot.

They both didn't speak for several moments as they watched the day's sky slowly begin to turn into the night's sky.

"Your mother has already summoned me. She must desire to act quickly on her revenge." She drew circles in the dirt with her bow as she spoke.

Lesatan didn't seem to have a response, and merely continued to look toward the targets.

"Are you truly angry?"

"That you won or that you humiliated me?" He looked toward her. "Yes to both. I could have lived losing to you and your pathetic group of the underprivileged, but couldn't you have let me have one or two points? Must it be none at all and a quick death before the fight even began?"

Lenore continued to look down at her drawing and thought for a moment. "Yes, it had to be this way."

"Why is that? Why are you so dead set on causing my reputation nothing but destruction?" His voice was raising slightly which drew the attention of some of the servants.

She looked up from the ground and turned her attention to her brother. "Because you care so much about what others think when it comes to such meaningless things. You are like your mother, in that way. Do you know what father would have done had I done the same to him?"

Lesatan raised an eyebrow.

"He would have thrown his arm over my shoulder, laughed, and made some joke about underestimating a woman or about his age." She looked back down at the ground and her drawings. "You should learn..."

"Your place is not to teach me." He snapped. "Your place is to advise if you were in your proper place that is."

Lenore stood up. "I find there is a fine line between advising and teaching, don't you?" She motioned toward the targets. "Well played, we shall have a rematch one day, I'm sure of it." With that she walked away to see the Queen.

Lesatan watched her leave and them mumbled under his breath. "You let me win, you know I loathe that."

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