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(AU) Chapter 32: Foreboding Shadow

It has been over a year since I met the acquaintance of the Prince and Pymus. Over the past months, Pymus and the Prince seem to grow closer together. Whatever plans they had for each other have either been forgotten or hidden well enough under a cloak of understanding for one another.

As the Prince's personal guard, I felt somewhat jealous of their friendship. As I do not have any friends of my own here. Most of the Mondues that attend this school are from wealthy families, and those that are not play the role of guards in order to receive a free education along with room and board.

Today, however, seemed to change everything for me. I was summoned to the headmaster's quarters, where I was sat in front of his window over looking the school. The frail old man explained to me that my points were lacking, and that my professors did not expect me to pass many of their classes. I was informed that if by the end of the next tournament, which was a couple months away, I had not made improvements that I would be excused from the school.

The headmaster encouraged me to give up my guard duties so that I may focus on my studies. Since my guard work is the only way I can support myself here that is not an option. I explained to him how poor my family was and that I was only accepted into Apisarn by the Mondue Erudition Council due to my size. They expected me to be a castle guard or commanding officer someday.

As I walked back to the Royal Dorms after my meeting. I thought of the last two summers I had spent while everyone was home while I with a small group of other guards cared for the school. We were ever vigilante, and those summers were the only time that we were paid for our work. I would do my best to have a small allowance for the rest of the year. Not that over the past year my Prince had allowed me out of his sights much.

When I entered the Prince's study, Pymus was in the room which was the norm. If the Prince never allowed me to leave his side, then Pymus never allowed himself to leave the Prince's side.

"How was your meeting with the headmaster?" Pymus asked as he sat on the floor with a desk on his lap. He and the Prince often did their studying together, but I had to wait until I was dismissed and returned to the Mondue dorm. Therefore by the time I was able to study and do my work, I would have around four hours to sleep.

The Prince was sitting behind his desk and looked up from his study scroll to also hear my answer.

I feared telling them the truth for fear that these intelligent, wealthy men who had never had a hard day in their life would mock me. However, I knew the truth would reveal itself once I was forced to leave the school.

"My professors have given me low scores all year, and I fear that I will be asked to leave the school after the next tournament."

I waited for the laughter but none came.

"Why are your scores so poor?" The Prince asked.

"I have little time to study, milord." I had forgotten to address him by his title previously, but he did not seem to notice. "My guard duties stand in my way most of the time, but without them I would not be able to attend here."

Pymus and the Prince made eye contact, as if they were scheming together without words. It was something that I was quite familiar with, and always felt left out of.

"You are no longer my guard then." The Prince suddenly said as he jerked his attention back to me.

"Milord, this post was much less time consuming than my old assignment. Things will be much harder on me without your..."

"Be silent." Lucius snapped, "I did not say that we would tell the headmaster. Now, go grab your studies where ever they may be. Pymus and I will assist you in raising your scores."

I looked between the two men in utter shock for a few moments, before the Prince asked me if I was daft and nearly screamed me out of the room. As I ran to my dorm to collect my needed items, I could feel a smile on my lips. Perhaps, I did have friends.


Remus had been shocked, as he laid on the bed next to Ophelia, when the large, foreboding shadow covered them both. Ophelia had popped up immediately and smiled at their visitor.

Krius gave her as gentle a look as he could muster, before turning to Remus and demanding that he follow him. The young merchant knew that he had been summoned by his Prince, and was quick to follow behind without so much as a goodbye to the girl he left alone.

It only occurred to him that he had forgotten to do so when he was more than half way to the Royal Dorm, and it was too late to turn back. He hadn't spoken to the Prince in some time, and in truth had been so busy that it slipped his mind that Lesatan had asked him to investigate his sister's strange behavior.

He guessed that in truth, he had hoped such things were over between the two. Since Lenore made her truce with her brother, he hadn't seemed interested in delving into her private life much or forcing her to rejoin the Royal Dorms.

Once in the study, Remus could see that Lesatan was extremely annoyed. He was pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back. Standing near the door, Remus watched patiently as Krius shut the door behind him so that the two could have a private conversation.

"I have not heard an update from you in some time, Remus." Lesatan barked and continued to pace back and forth with vigor.

"An update, milord?" Remus wasn't about to bring up Lenore unless that was exactly what he was talking about, though he suspected that it was.

The Prince stopped pacing, and moved to stand in front of the merchant. "An update on this lover that my sister is so enthralled by."

"Oh, yes. I had thought you were done with my services, since I had not been summoned in so long, so I gave up the search, milord."

The answer seemed to enraged Lesatan, though he did not physically display it. "I am the Prince, you do not decide when your work for me is done. Do you understand?"

"I understand, and I apologize." Remus wondered what had gotten his Prince so upset. He had just won against his sister and normally that put him in quite the forgiving mood.

"So? Does she still have this lover?"

Remus knew he had to think quickly about what Lenore would want in this situation. He decided she would want her activities covered still. "Yes, I believe so."

"I have heard from trusted sources that Lenore has been seen clasping hands with that filthy Mondue from your dorms. Are you aware of this?"

"I am aware of her flirtatious nature toward Santh, but from what I understand she is attempting to tease him. It works quite well actually." Remus chuckled, "One would think the boy was but twelve and about to receive his first kiss. He turns red... but you do not care for that, do you, milord?" His voice suddenly fell serious when he saw the annoyance on Lesatan's face.

"Is he the man she is sneaking around with?"

The Merchant knew he had to protect both of his friends in these moments. "I highly doubt it, milord. If the two were secretly seeing one another, then would it not be safer to remain at the dorm and not exist the University where all eyes are upon them?"

Lesatan walked to his desk and took a seat behind it. "I suppose that makes sense. However, I want you to find this man with haste. Do you understand?"

"Yes, milord. All haste shall be given." He bowed briefly as Lesatan waved him out of the study.


Lenore spent the last three hours in Damek's room. He talked about their childhoods and how they rarely got to play together as children, and Lenore reminded him that he was usually the one encouraging her brother and friends to cause her harm.

Though Damek apologized, he reminded her that he taught her how to fish in the lake behind the castle. He also helped her hide from the Queen on more than one occasion. She was forced to agree that those things did happen, but her childhood was plagued with the way that Lesatan, Damek, and the future advisers had tormented her.

It was truly amazing to think that when they were each separate that they all offered her some sort of friendship, but when they were together it was as if monsters had taken over their bodies. As individuals they seemed to care for her, and her childhood was an extreme contrast between friend and foe.

Santh had waited in the hall the entire three hours, and seemed to enjoy intimidating the guards that stood at the door. Most Mondues around his age where well aware of the street brawls that Remus ran and that Santh was the reigning champion, though he was forced into retirement because no one dared fight him. He wished he had discovered this gift sooner and saved himself some taunts as a child.

Walking quietly beside Lenore, she seemed lost in thought. Though Santh was filled with questions about what had occurred behind those closed doors, he knew better than to ask the Princess for information. If she wanted him to know then she would tell him.

"It's strange, isn't it?" She finally spoke as they entered the garden court before the path. Coming to a stop, she turned to face him.

Santh raised an eyebrow to question her.

"Damek has not spoken to me in the first two years that I was attending University. Suddenly, after my defeat by the hands of the council he acts as if we have always been friends." She clicked her tongue.

"I am not very familiar with Damek. Though, I have heard that his father was the rightful heir, though the previous King decided his second son would be the heir apparent." Santh crossed his arms and waited to see if Lenore would add more to the story.

"My Uncle is a very nice man, but he was far more interested in drinking, gambling, and women then he was in attending his classes and ruling Ronea. From what I understand, he was relieved to discover his brother would take the throne." She walked over to the marble bench and took a seat. "He eventually married a harlot, my grandmother's words not mine, from the local brothel, and my father gave him some lands and title when he was ready to take them. My Aunt has always been kind to me. The two were the only ones that were once... well, once others left." She sighed.

Sitting down beside her, Santh tried to sit as closely as he could without touching her or making her uncomfortable. "Damek was born to these two?" Santh asked and watched her nod her head. "He sounds like his life was as rough as yours."

The Princess chuckled bitterly, "I highly doubt it."

"You suspect now that he is up to no good?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Damek has never seemed the scheming type. His father, while a lovely man, is rather a simpleton. Though Damek did not seem to take those traits from him. He is much more like my father... or even my grandmother."

"Was his behavior odd tonight? Other than asking you to visit him?"

She shook her head slowly. "No, he was rather pleasant. More so than he had been in years. He even offered to pay for the rebuilding of the dorm." She sighed audibly, "Perhaps, I have lived so long with every member of my family scheming for something that I fail to see someone just reaching out and being kind to me." She stood up from the bench. "Let's tell the others the good news."

Santh stood from the bench and watched Lenore head down the dirt path. He had no real idea what he had just spoken to her about. It was as if Lenore had allowed him into a small portion of her thought process but left out the beginning and end. He growled under his breath though he did not know why he had become annoyed before following her down the dirt path.

"Santh?" He heard his name called by a female voice behind him.


Saena appeared at the dorm with her books in hand. She couldn't come down the dirt path for fear of being seen by the other servants, and so she was forced to tread through the woods. It usually meant that mud and leaves would stick to her shoes.

As she entered the dorms court, she smiled at Jolon who stood to greet her. She kissed his cheek gently before walking over to Routine and offering out the study work that he had sent with her. She had to hide all her books and studies from her family, but she still managed to find time to finish everything. Routine did not allow excuses for her lack of performance.

Routine took the scroll and began to look through it without a word spoken.

Saena turned to Jolon who had sat back down on the platform floor to finish a game of cards with Anton. "I heard about the council's ruling today. I know how hard the Princess and the other girls worked. It must be devastating."

"Such a tiny pebble would never prevent the Princess Lenore from achieving success." Routine informed her as he continued to read the scroll. "To believe she would be devastated is to believe she has less willpower than your own person."

He was referring to her sneaking around and preparing herself for university. Saena smirked at the man, "I suppose so. Of course, the Princess is far braver and far more capable than I will ever be."

"I said nothing of the sort." Routine growled under his breath.

Jolon knew that his friend was getting annoyed by Saena's presumptions. "Lenore and Remus are already designing new plans." He informed her which caused Saena to hurry to his side in the middle of the row of beds and sit down beside him.

"Truly?" She sounded thrilled.

Anton grumbled, "Plans without asking either of us if we wanted to be part of them. They just assume that we will be."

"Will you be?" She asked with a little quiver in her voice.

Anton looked up from his cards and tried not to role his eyes. "Probably."

The girl smiled widely at him. "If there is a way that I can assist, I would love to do so."

"Nothing will occur until this mid year break." Jolon laid a card down on the pile between the two of them.

Saena leaned in and whispered, "Are you willing to tell me what this plan is?"

Jolon turned so his forehead was against her forehead and whispered back, "No."

With a chuckle, Saena stood up and brushed down her dress. "Very well. Keep your secrets." She walked back over to Routine to see how well she had done thus far.

"Why not tell her?" Anton said in a low voice, though he wondered if Saena could hear him as she wasn't that far away.

"I do not wish to get her hopes up until we are certain this plan can be taken to fruition." He explained.

Anton seemed satisfied with that and continued to play his game.

"Good evening, Saena." The Princess' voice came from the court and all eyes turned to her. "Where is Remus?"

"That Mondue adviser of your brother's came and took him away." Anton answered.

She raised both of her eyebrows. "I see."

That was all she said before she headed around to the back of the dorms.

"One would think she would be more worried." Saena seemed to be looking for comfort more than making a statement.

"Remus is will fine." Jolon chuckled.

"How can you be so sure?" The worry was still in her voice.

Routine looked up from the scroll at her. "Remus is Remus. A treacherous, devious, conniving snake. His words are venom when used properly. The Prince is but a small rodent in his presence."

Jolon and Anton laughed, and that was enough to calm Saena.


Santh walked from the entry way of the dirt path to the flowered court to stand in front of his female Mondue counterpart. He crossed his arms and stared down at her in an attempt to show her that he was closed to anything she had to say.

Since Krine had been working with Lenore, she hadn't bothered to see him or discuss any future plans with him. Though, he had seen her looking at him from time to time out of the corner of her eye. She was not as subtle as other females, though she didn't pretend that she was. So, he could not fault her.

"I spoke with my father recently, and he informed me that you would be an unfit suitor for me." She explained.

This caused Santh to raise an eyebrow.

"My father was informed that the King has lands and title awaiting you if you choose to take them. Which means you would be part of the Royal party, and my father can not afford to lose his heir whenever you have a whim to finally accept your birthright." Krine sat down on the marble bench that Lenore had previously occupied, but this time Santh did not sit and instead stared down at the woman.

"I fail to see how speaking to me will change this. I also do not appreciate my life being dug into without my permission." He growled and pressed his lips together though he was trying to hide his true anger.

"You aren't some poor Mondue boy with nothing to your name. You are an accepted member of the Royal party whenever you wish to be." She looked flabbergasted. "I do not understand why you do not take this opportunity."

"Those lands and titles were paid for with my father's blood. I shall not take such things as payment for his death." With that he turned to walk away.

Krine was too fast however, and jumped to grab his arm, which caused him to turn and face her. "From what I understand, your father worked himself into an early grave to provide this for you. Do you not feel like you are spitting in his face, when you act like this?"

He grunted before ripping his arm out of her hand. "Speak to me no more."

She watched as he began to walk away, but then spoke loudly in the abandoned court. "These lands and title are the only way that you will ever be on equal footing with Lenore."

That caused him to stop but he did not turn to face her.

"I laughed at your intensity for her because there was no future where the two of you are together, and now I learn that you have a way of making it possible, but you refuse. How long do you have to wait? Until she is betrothed to another? My father tells me that there are rumors of the Queen looking high and low for a suitor for her in recent days."

"She is engaged to Routine." He informed her.

Krine chuckled, "Apparently not anymore. The Nicolettes would never marry both their children to the same house. That would be political suicide."

His large, muscular back still faced her. He was very still and quiet.

She wondered what he was about to do, and when the silence was too intense for her, she spoke. "We both know that their engagement was meant to prevent engagements to those not of their choosing. It could have been ended at any time, but now a true engagement will be upon Lenore. You have a chance to admit everything to her, and take your birthright. I know you care about her, Santh. Stop being a fool."

He looked over his shoulder, "This is none of your concern."

"Lenore is my friend, as are you. It is very much my concern." She swallowed. "I will say nothing about this to anyone. It is your secret to tell. I just pray that you accept what is yours and give up this stubbornness, before you no longer have a reason to accept it at all."

A silence fell over them once more, and Santh became more annoyed by the woman's words as they echoed in his head. When he finally turned around to scream at her, she was gone.


When Remus returned from the Prince's meeting, he began to look around the court for Lenore. Santh and the other males were all in their beds as they finished up their studies. They all wore whatever clothing they had chosen to wear to bed, which meant Santh was nearly nude which always made the others uncomfortable. Candles burned on the desks of each one of the men to offer some light for reading, but none of them bothered to acknowledge Remus.

As he began to walk around the dorm, he knew that he would have to tread lightly for fear that one of the females could be changing. However, he did not have to worry about this long, as Lenore turned the corner and the two met half way down the dorm. She was still wearing her school uniform and tabard as if she had no plans yet to retire to bed.

Grabbing Lenore's upper arm, he pulled her to the edge of the forest. Normally, he would never manhandle the Princess in such a manner, but he didn't want the others over hearing anything he had to say. He half expected Lenore to yank her arm away from him and inform him that she was not one that could be treated in such a manner. However, she looked concerned and did not protest as she willingly walked with him.

"Your brother is on the war path once more. He is insisting that I located whatever lover you have outside the University walls." He told her in a whispered voice though he tried to offer his worry to her through the tone.

Lenore's face went from concerned to annoyed. It was as if she was expecting this, and her concern had been for Remus and not for her brother. "I was certain that he had grown bored with that investigation, especially after I made peace with him."

"I had thought the same. Yet, he was humorless when speaking to me. He did not even attempt to join the jests or pretend that he and I were equals as he has done before." Remus squeezed her arm tightly to show his discontent with what he considered disrespect, before he realized he was still holding her arm and quickly released her. "There is an anger there that can not be explained."

She licked her lower lip as she thought. "He can be dealt with later. Damek sent for me, and when I visited with him the conversation was awkward at best. He wants nothing to do with me for years, and suddenly he is my ally. He has even offered to cover the cost of rebuilding the dorms."

A smile sneaked across Remus' lips. "This is wonderful news! The best I have heard all day!"

"Keep your voice down." She ordered him. "There is something amiss in his behavior, and with what you tell me of my brother, it seems that it has spread."

"Come, come, Princess. I thought it would take us months to earn enough to pay for the rebuild, but instead you have managed to earn it for us in one day. Whatever his plans are, we must use them until they are no longer a privilege for us, and then we will end his plots." Remus began to eye the dorm as if he were a proud father looking at his new born son.

"You believe that because your father knows how to weather the storm of the Cromwells that you do as well." She placed herself in front of Remus and dorm to force him to look at her. "You have no idea how clever and devious we can be."

He snorted, "The Greys have played this game with your family for generations. Trust me, I know the Cromwells well enough. Nothing your family does can surprise me."

Lenore watched as he walked passed her and she tried to hide her own grin and keep from telling him her own plans.

Remus looked over the building once more. "We can not be seen taking supplies into the university, since your brother would not allow it to continue. So, we must continue as planned to build during the mid-year break. Only guards will be on campus. However, I will begin making plans."


Piera ate her honey covered buns along with her oats in Lesatan's study as he sat across the table from her. He did not greet her that morning, and she decided not to speak a word to him since he seemed upset. She wondered what he had to be angry over as he had won yesterday and normally defeating his sister seemed to please him.

"Do you plan to end our engagement since you now believe me a spy for your sister?" Piera finally asked as she broke the silence.

She watched as he ate his meal quickly, before he stood up as he brushed down his clothing. "No." He answered and then rushed out of the room.

Lesatan's voice could be heard speaking to someone in the hallway, and Armand appeared after a few moments. He left the study door open and walked over to stand next to the table.

He bowed slightly before he began to speak. "The Prince has deemed that I assist you to your classes today." Armand spoke the information as if was more of a question than a demand, though his words were that of the Prince himself.

Piera nodded her head and pointed to the chair, "Please, sit. I am not anywhere near finished with my meal."

He seemed to think whether or not he should, but finally decided to take a seat. When he was seated, he reminded himself that he hadn't eaten anything yet that morning. Lesatan had been so angry the moment he awoke that he gave none of his advisers time to order their own meals.

"Would you like a honey bun?" Piera asked when she noticed him looking at the food on the table.

He waved the question away, "No, thank you, milady."

Piera took a spare plate from the table and placed the bun on it, before setting it on top of Lesatan's empty plate. "Please, eat."

Armand knew better than to say no twice to someone that out ranked him. He began to eat the bun by picking at it with his fingers.

"He seems very upset." She mumbled. "His mother believes me to be Lenore's little spy, but Lenore hardly speaks to me anymore. She says it is for my own good that we are no longer seen as friends."

"You are not Lenore's spy." Armand spoke confidently. "Lenore is far too devious to place such an obvious target next to her brother."

She smiled meekly, "I wish you would say so to my Prince."

"I have." He cleared his throat. "You realize why he is so angry, do you not?"

Piera looked up from her meal and made eye contact with the man sitting before her. "No. I... I have thought about what I have done, but I am unsure. He always speaks in circles and it is difficult to understand what he is saying."

"No woman in his life believes that he is capable." He watched her cock her head. "Capable of doing what is right, whether that is morally, physically, or mentally, they do not believe in him. The Queen still sees him as a three year old to be protected, and Lenore... well, the Princess has very valid reasons for her lack of trust in her brother." He picked up his bun and took a large bite.

Piera lowered her head.

When Armand finished chewing he continued to speak. "His mother makes all of his decisions for him, even though that are by right his to make. While his sister sees nothing but schemes coming from his direction, which Lesatan often plants the idea of their existence himself. Sometimes, there are none, and yet he continues to torture her with the idea."

"I see." She finally spoke, "He hoped better from me, did he?"

"He did." He watched as she stared at the bun on her plate with tears beginning to fill her eyes. "It is not too late, milady. Lesatan seems harsh and unforgiving, but in his heart there are three soft spots. One appeared only recently."


He nodded his head, "One for each of the women in his life. All three of you have the power to nudge those spots ever so slightly, and he cannot help but forgive your transgressions."

Piera smiled, "Thank you, Armand. I shall do just that."


"Lenore's hair had those braids that wrapped around her head and made a crown. Do you remember?" Ophelia asked as she and Remus walked through the crowd of students on their way to return to the dorms.

Remus watched her with a softness in his eyes as she spoke. "I do not recall. However, I believe that you will look lovely no matter how you wear your hair."

She frowned, "That is not helpful, Remus. The next ball is not far off, I must make these decisions now. If you are here to offer me nothing more than flattery... well, then you may stay but only expect me to turn to you in times of desperation."

The crowds of students were speaking around them and none took much notice the the pair. At least it was a time when they both stood in the shadows. Whenever they were with Santh or Lenore, it seemed as though the sea of students would part just for them. Ophelia enjoyed the attention the first few times, but after a while she just wanted to be alone in the crowd once more.

Remus took Ophelia's hand as they walked together.

"Lenore promises to wear the dress that I made her for the first ball this year. She says that she will fight the Queen with all her might."

"Do not be too disappointed if she does not wear the dress. Lenore is brave and capable, but the Queen turns her into a small child."

The happiness fell from her face. "Oh."

"Do not fret, if she can not wear it to the ball then I will gladly do so. Everyone should see the fruits of your labor." He tapped her shoulder with his own.

Ophelia chuckled under her breath, "That would be a true sight." Her eyes moved to the edge of the gardens around them. "Is that Authin?"

Remus looked up from her face to the young Royal sitting on a bench as he read a scroll in his hand.

"He has fallen quite silent lately. I hardly know when he is at the dorm at all." Ophelia seemed to be bothered for the man. "He offered to pay for Saena's schooling, and then suddenly he is no longer attempting to be friends with any of us."

"I would surmise that our dorm is the only place he has left to live. His old friends and allies are now vicious enemies, and he doesn't wish to stir up the hornet's nest further. No doubt, he has decided to concentrate on his studies and remain out of everyone's path." Remus had noticed that he did not seem interested in chatting the way he had in the beginning.

"Could it become any worse for him?"

"He could annoy Lenore to the point that she no longer welcomes him at the dorm. If she were to toss him aside, then he would be without a dorm, which means the University would ask him to leave." Remus tugged gently on her hand, "Come let him be." He hadn't realized that they had both stopped in the middle of the pathway to stare at the boy.

"Lenore would never be so cruel. Could she?" Ophelia asked as she slowly began to walk with him once more, leaving Authin behind.

He licked his lips. "I know you think highly of our Princess, but you must remember that she is not the beacon of light and purity in this world. She must do what is necessary to protect herself and those around her."

Ophelia did not like hearing that answer about her friend, but she knew in her heart that it was true. Lenore sneaked around quite a bit, and she knew that something was amiss. However, she never confronted her as she knew there would be no answers given.

"Perhaps, we can ensure that our clothing matches this ball." Remus spoke the idea out loud to get her mind off other thoughts.

Immediately, Ophelia brightened up. "Truly?"


The three advisers sat in Lesatan's study with Armand behind his desk and the two others sitting in the stuffed chairs in front of the desk. They had been waiting for the Prince for some time to eat his dinner with Piera. Though the two normally had their meals in the study together, the Prince had decided to eat in the dinning hall. A certain punishment for his bride-to-be as there was little privacy.

Armand was reminded of the conversation that he had with her that morning, and felt a tinge of sorrow for her. She would have to wait to set Lesatan's mind at ease. Though, he thought of her from time to time, the three advisers found themselves without their evening meals.

Lesatan had ordered for them to wait in the study that he would not be long, but thus far it had been over an hour and they had all found their way to one chair or another.

"I feel as if there is a new battle brewing between brother and sister." Armand spoke to the two before him as he played with the feather in the ink well. It was strange that they all had been sitting in silence this entire time, but the three close friends seemed to know exactly what each other was thinking.

Krius grunted, "I was certain that we had finished this war and a new age of peace was upon us."

"I don't get it." Enoch joined the conversation. "Why does he not tell her the truth? There would be no battle then."

"Agreed." Armand looked toward Krius, "If just once he was completely honest with her every issue the two have would be solved."

Sitting with his back straight and looking as if he would jump up to protect the room at any time, Krius didn't seem to see the solution so easily. "The Prince wants his sister to stew in this anger. If she believes that he is the villain only to discover that it was Damek then he will get great joy when she begs his forgiveness." He realized how ridiculous that last line sounded and laughed in a low, deep hum.

Armand joined him, "Lenore begging? That would be a fantastical sight."

Enoch seemed lost in thought, "Where would Lenore get troops for a battle?" He finally asked once the laughter died down.

It took a moment of glaring at the man from the other two advisers to finally piece together his thought process.

"You realize we are speaking of a metaphorical battle, Enoch?" Armand asked.

He watched his friend stared at him for a moment, before looking down giving the signal that the answer was a definite no.

Krius shook his head, "How often is Lenore wrong? One can not simply pass up this moment. I would be excited for this as well, if I was in his place and was incapable of seeing how this could go horribly wrong."

"He won't be able to enjoy it for long. Lenore is a smart girl. She will figure out the truth long before Lesatan is ready to share it." Armand released the feather and leaned back in the chair.

A knock echoed throughout the room from the door, and Armand invited the person in. A young first year with doe eyes entered with a letter in his hand. The advisers knew him as one of Lesatan's spies that he had placed throughout the Royal Dorms.

"The information that his Grace requested." The boy offered out the unsealed letter, before bowing and rushing out the room.
Armand had taken it from the boy and tossed it on the desk, but Krius scooped it up and opened it.

"That is not yours to read." Enoch warned.

"It is not sealed." Krius mumbled and opened the letter.

Enoch was not pleased, "The Prince could return at any moment."

Armand sat forward on the chair as Krius read the note. He could tell from how the Mondue's face transformed from curious to worried with a touch of anger that it was not good news.

Krius folded the letter back up and tossed it on the desk. "Lenore was spotted entering Damek's study shortly after the vote was held. She remained there for three hours."

"Should we destroy it?" Armand asked referring to the letter. "This will only build the fire further."

Krius shook his head, "The battle is upon us. There is nothing more we can do."


Santh had found his way to the girls' platform where Lenore was sitting as she stared at the stars. He could see that Ophelia was tucked away in her bed, and from her light snores it was obvious that she was fast asleep. He approached Lenore and took a seat on the platform next to her. She didn't bother to look over at him, it was as if she knew it was him the moment his shadow overcame her.

"Sleep well with that noise?" Santh asked as he pointed behind him with his thumb at Ophelia.

Lenore continued to look up at the stars but she smiled. "I used to sleep in a stable with the stable boys and horses. Her snoring is a lullaby compared to the noises I once fell asleep to."

He grinned and turned his eyes from her to the stars as well. "I am nearly finished with the first journal. Do you believe yourself capable of collecting the second?"

She wondered if he knew if she was the one that left the journal for him, though she never suspected he would be so bold as to ask for it outright. She expected to find it in her bed one day, even though he had been reading it quite openly. "I am capable, but you will have to return the first journal." She turned her head to face him. "At least, until you have a home of your own to store them. They are history after all."

"Did you know my father?" Santh asked with his eyes still facing toward the stars.

"Know? Can a child ever truly know someone? I have memories of him, but I was ten years old when he died, and he stopped visiting the castle when I was eight years old."

"When my mother died." He added.

Lenore nodded her head and turned her attention back to the black abyss above them. "Yes. I remember asking him when he would return, and he told me that he had to take care of his own child now. He visited the castle from time to time for meetings with my father, but he never made any extra effort to see me. Not that I was there very often as I only spent half the year there and the other half with the Vinsons."

"It's strange." Santh told her but seemed to take a moment whether or not he wished to decide to tell her. After a few moments, he continued. "I have no memories of my father when I was very young. My first vivid memory of him was when he returned home after a long campaign. He was gone for a very long time, but I don't remember how long or to where."

Lenore looked at him out of the corner of her eye. "He was closer to me than my own father. The King had to give me little attention in order to keep the Queen at bay. I think he may have asked your own father to treat me as if I was his daughter, though I have never discussed it with him. Perhaps, your father just felt pity for me."

Santh had no reply and they both fell into silence. Her hands were propping her up on the platform and without looking at her, he reached out and placed his own hand on top of hers. "My father was a great man. He didn't deserve to die the way he did."

"As a warrior? Protecting those he loved? Doing what he loved? How should he have died?" Lenore looked away from the stars and at Santh, who also turned his head to make eye contact with her.

"What do you know about being a Mondue?" Santh asked though his words were harsh, he continued to touch her hand.

She grinned at him. "Enough to know that any Mondue warrior would be glad to die in battle. I know you hate my father but he would never send Varden into a battle that he did not wish to fight in. They were as close as brothers."

Santh didn't seem to like where this conversation was going and he stood up. "Pray that you never know what it is like to have your father murdered, and have to look into the eyes of his killer."

Lenore frowned, "Varden's killer was executed by my father. You are friends with that very killer's daughter." She reminded him of Ophelia by motioning her head toward the sleeping girl. "If you can forgive her for her father's part in Varden's death, I fail to see how you can not do the same for me or my father."

He had nothing more to say and was quick to march away from her.

Lenore had noticed that Ophelia had stopped snoring half way through the conversation. She stood up to see the girl laying there with her eyes still shut. "Eavesdropping, Ophelia?"

She kept her eyes closed, "I have to relieve myself, but I didn't want to ruin your moment."

Lenore crawled into bed, "Hurry along before I blow out my candle."

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